once this gets completed, it'll be one of the greatest touhou fangames out there. it is WAY better to play with a mouse and keyboard than a controller tho

i'm always gonna have a bias for minecraft, but i can't deny this game is way better from every front, even if i like minecraft a little better. i love picking insanely different weapons and armor everytime in this game the most though. insane breath of fresh air

loses it's charm when played for thousands and thousands of hours, but damn it, i love this game. if i feel like fighting i boot up 1.8.9 and go on hypixel, if i feel like going insane i go and make a hardcore world while taking a ton of risks, if i feel like chilling, regular old survival minecraft is there for me.

fun challenge to go back to here and there and not remember where anything is only for baldi to spank yo butt

you'd expect the game with the poop tile and troll face bombs to not be anything serious. but then you get to endgame

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ignoring the very obvious pandering to a certain audience this game has, this game is fine. the boss fights range from good to i literally don't know what i'm even supposed to do. or worse, fights like vanessa where you just. beat it. and then you're subject to a 2 hour section full of nothing interesting. the only reason this game has an audience is the obvious, because this is otherwise extremely forgettable. i like some character designs tho

extremely cheap and you get tons of content. i wouldn't say it's as good of a deal as it was before because of the Just As Planned deal, but the new DLC pack is still extremely good and worth buying, so much content for your every penny.

peak. love every single bit of it

i really like seeing how much faster i am every time i start a boss rush up

one of my favorite bullet hells because every single attack pattern in this game is unique in it's own way and it takes a different method of dodging and surviving every single one. also playing as youmu is awesome

fun little waste of time but i think even if you do insanely good combos with the best dev stage ever you still have a very realistic chance of getting a 6/10 because the game felt like it that day

this is unironically one of the best senran kagura games because it does what it wants to do very well with almost no compromises at all. every other game kinda gets a little lame after the whole "woah it's this genre but boobs", but the pinball on this one is very intuitive and awesome

one of the better senran kagura games