it's fine. do need a guide for 100% tho, yikes

i love laughing. who doesn't? this game makes me laugh. tons of laughter. you wanna know the best part? it also makes you feel sad. comedy that can also make you feel extremely sad is the best type of comedy. i love this game

it's as good as people say it is. for a visual novel. which is still really good

i played as engineer for like 2 hours and i think i got my fill for a lifetime. it was a really fun 2 hours. too fun

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that section where one of the characters almost dies is like a shock to the body. like damn, i am playing a well written visual novel, even if it's coated this way, and it made me feel something towards these charming characters.

although it needs to be said that i did play these without the DLC for them. which i'd say is the best way to experience these

Coconut and Azuki are both in this game. they are my favorite characters in this entire series. and this one has them both front and center, and gives them a very fun, sometimes emotional dynamic. thoroughly enjoyed this one simply because it was a damn good read.

you guys need to play this mod to believe it. it's really really good, on par with the first game. dare i say, it might even be better than the first game.

tons of custom music and tons of new mechanics, and at the time i'm writing this, they announced a brand new, fully original world.

Garg Spam Galore: The Videogame

even the main levels fall off heavily design-wise after 8-10

don't tell anyone this, but i sometimes just boot up my free version of the game only to play grand bruise and nothing else. yes, i know this is a fighting game, but c'mon. it's grand bruise

demo 1 is pretty awesome. the levels are kinda scuffed design-wise, but you could say the same thing about pizza tower's SAGE demo. really good first demo, can't wait for the full release

the best mobile game you can possibly play for free