21 reviews liked by Lanabug

A huge technical achievement. I love that I can just go and fly over my town and see my house.

Kind of amazing how this just had to be a decent enough flying sim + Google Earth to be something you can have magical experiences with at the click of a button

It was nice to see a plane crash into my home.

Nas primeiras horas Wildlands parece interessante, mas você vai percebendo que as missões do jogo são as mesmas de sempre, nada muda, é sempre a mesma coisa do início ao fim.

As missões do jogo já começa bem zoadas, tendo que pegar dados para startar o objetivo principal.. e lógico, isso envolve também a repetição de sempre: invade base, mata inimigos e vai lá.. só que após pegar os dados.. a missão principal que vai começar é também a MESMA COISA que você fez antes, só que no final tem um objetivozinho diferente que não muda também nada a mais.

Sério, eu joguei 7 horas desse jogo e estou vomitando ainda mais jogar Ghost Recon Wildlands.

Em coop, a proposta pode ser mais interessante e divertida, porém no momento disso aqui os servers estão offline faz semanas.

This game is absolutely fucking vile. Sickening manufacturing consent for what would only shortly after happen in Bolivia. Systematically dismantling an entire country run completely by the "cartels" the current administration likes to fearmonger so much about. The actual people of Bolivia are dehumanized; never talked to or about. One mission has you heading into a school, filled with children, to interrogate a teacher related to a target. Students sit in their desks as you, a CIA agent, point guns around, ready to shoot as the chaos of the open world format ensures you are in danger at every moment. Everyone who worked on this should be ashamed, absolutely ashamed.

Nintendo casually reminding everyone why they're the unparalleled kings of platformers. I'm sorry Miyamoto for ever doubting you.

piranha plant parade is so full of whimsy and never fails to make me smile

The story is cool, the graphics are beautiful imo (especially in osaka) and the dragon engine is just super funny.

Kiryu and Sayama really should have fucked