This was a fine addition to the EA Starwars titles. There were plenty of goof and gaffs to be had, some touching story beats and intense lightsaber battles.

For me, the game was the most engaging during the more free-form platforming segments. I would have enjoyed a more challenging aproach to using the force powers in long free-running segments that put reflexes and fast-thinking to the test.

The different stances were enjoyable to switch out, and they kept the combat from getting too stale. In addition, the perks system added a bit of complexity to builds, but I found myself picking up way more cosmetic items than usable abilities. I will say the sheer number of collectibles in this installment was overwhelming. I felt much less incentivised to hunt them all down than in the last game.

Performance issues abound on the PS5 version, and the screen tearing and stuttering were distracting until I got used to it (not a phrase you want to say about a AAA title).

In summary, when the game was good it was great, but when it was bad it was really, really bad. What can your really expect from an EA game though?

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023
