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September 29, 2023

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Great expansion DLC in my book, essentially an alternate take on the events on Ouranos Island, and the canon one for me idc LOL
I adore the amount of details the put into this: Amy's card abilities and Tails' Cyclone are great stuff and are very fun to mess around, and while Knuckles brought back a lot of his attacks from 06' (which I appreciate a lot), he controlled the roughest in terms of overall sluggish movement and his glide maneuvering.
In terms of difficulty, this DLC is clearly an answer towards the base game being called "too easy" and it shows. The map challenges take more effort to complete, there are upgraded versions of previous guardians spread all across the island (Spider+, Master Hammer, etc.), and the obstacles to obtain collectibles like skill tree points require a lot of precision from the player, most of the time. Personally, I never found the main story too little demanding, but still it feels kind of refreshing to have tricky challenges like these.
Now onto the aspects people talk the most about: The Trial Towers. There are five in total, the last one being available after Sonic's friends get cybercorrupted. These are a completely different beast compared to the ones from Rhea, since climbing them require even more precise timings, faster reaction times and a lot of perseverence. I didn't have much problem on this aspect (besides the Dragon Trial one making me want to tear my hair out trying to reach the top xd). The trials themselves are very straight to the point, mainly defeating enemies with a specific ability while Sonic is temporarily nerfed, the lot. The most interesting of them all is Master Koco's since you fight every previous Titan with a limited amount of rings you're forced to use strategies to beat them the fastest way possible. I like that one a lot despite being frustrating at the moment, I'm sorry 💀
There are new cyberspace levels too, although basically refurbishes of the ones found in the base game, but they are good one nonetheless. These contain new challenges, like collecting Moon Rings, Number Rings and even finding little animals and taking them to safe spots, it's all really cool. Oh yeah, they also have remixes of the cyberspace OST and they're ABSOLUTE FIRE.

And finally, my absolute favorite part: The End boss fight. Hot DAMN, was that an experience! Seeing Sonic transform into Super Sonic 2 and hearing Kellin Quinn singing "I'm Here" was absolutely raw, from the way he fucking slaps away the missiles on parry, to him faking losing the transformation, to the QTE beating Supreme's ass wide open, to stealing the goddamn shotgun to be used by Eggman, the gang helping Sage with her shield AND THEN UNLEASHING CYBER SONIC TO PIERCE THROUGH THE DOGGONE MOON AGAIN WTFFFFFFFF IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!
At least Sage didn't have to sacrifice herself this time around :)

I love this update for what it is and all the great stuff it brought into the table, even if it feels bullshit sometimes because of the increased difficulty in general. What a great time to be a Sonic fan 🦔