Off to a good start with this franchise. I really enjoyed the game's presentation - It attempts to make you feel like you're actually playing an animated cartoon movie, and I believe they made a really good job at it. The cel shading and graphics look awesome as a whole, and the animations are vivid and expressive as heck. Also, the music is very cool and changes whether you've been detected or not, which enriches the game's atmosphere even further.

The gameplay is responsive and fun overall, I found myself getting used to stealth situations fairly quickly, and the upgrades as a reward for obtaining all bottles in every level are quite neat and useful. The only catch in this sense is I'm not a fan of Sly's """double jump""". Oh, and the missions with the other playable characters were fine, nothing too special but those were good fun for me. Sly's vehicles were pretty cool, with that said.

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2023
