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July 22, 2023

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July 20, 2023

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for the rest of the MMZ games either i didn't make a review or it was a joke review. so i'll talk about everything here.

While not something i was an active fan of, mega man has always been part of my life to a lesser extent. After all, mega man is in fact one of the most iconic and popular game franchises ever. Even with that, i really only played very few games, with only X and X2 being on this list.

I got recommended of the Zero series by one of my best friends. Of course, since it would've been rude to not to try Zero 1 after they recommended it to me, and since they also tend to have a really particular vibe when it comes to media i really like, i started Zero 1 around 7 months ago. Of course, i had no experience at all with megman aside from the 2 aforementioned games, and i skipped straight up to neo arcadia unaware of how the game actually works, leading to me dropping the game, until last month.

I decided to give another try to the zero series, as even after i dropped it, it never stopped peaking my interest. This time i kept playing and actually did all the missions. And, even if it had somewhat of an unsatisfying ending, i absolutely loved Zero 1. I loved the artstyle, i loved the music, i loved the plot, the gameplay, everything. So, naturally, the next day i decided to start Zero 2.

What can i not say about Zero 2? even if its plot is somewhat blander than the rest of the franchise, i still loved it. beating it in no more than 2 days. I was speechless with not only the way capcom managed to polish the gameplay to a level i couldn't have imagined, and amplifying it by a thousand. With all of that said, i also think it has one of the best introductions i've ever seen in a videogame ever. Even if i am still yet to play the whole X series, as well as the ZX, and maybe even battle network, i am pretty sure nothing will top how i felt when first hearing departure and first playing the introductory stage. Mega Man Zero 2 was one of the best experiences i had with a game with the way it amplified everything that made me enjoy Zero 1, and i can absolutely see why it is my best friends' favorite.

However, as much as i loved Zero 2, i obviously couldn't leave it there. Leading to me playing Zero 3.

Zero 3 is probably the most fun i have ever had with a game boy advance game. The flow is absolutely incredible and i would personally describe it as a hack n slash turned into a 2D side scroller. You're constantly moving at blitzing speeds, switching weapons, and destroying enemies in an outstanding manner. Everything just clicks. The elf system has been remade into something thousands of times better than MMZ1 and MMZ2's systems. The flexibility it gives alongside the sheer power you get is awesome and i can't help but to love it. But if there is one single thing i would love to talk about regarding zero 3, that would most definitvely be the final boss

Omega Zero is simply put one of the best final bosses ever. The setting is magnificent and the facing yourself trope is honestly one of my favorite ones. It truly feels like you're fighting with everything you have. Not only to prove that you're capable of saving everyone, but to prove that you are stronger than yourself. I honestly loved Omega Zero both as a concept and as a boss fight. and it's atonishingly climatic. I love it.

MMZ3 is in my opinion, the peak of the Zero formula gameplay wise. But i can't of course not talk about MMZ4

i had some hesitation when choosing to play this game. I was obviously excited to finally watch the conclusion of the Zero saga story. I couldn't wait to see how it unraveled and came to an end. But i still had my fears that the gameplay wouldn't be able to top MMZ3, or that some elements of the plot weren't as good as in MMZ4.

However, imagine my surprise when Zero 4 not only met my expectations, but went above them. Zero 4, even if it has a somewhat gimmicky replacement of the recoil rod and boomerang shield, and a cyber elf system nowhere near as good as Zero 3's, still managed to make me have a shit ton of fun playing. And not only that, but i would also dare to say it has the best story among all 4 games. This game had me by the edge of my seat at all times. Constantly on the lookout of what might happen next. What boss will it throw me next. What will the next stage be about. I can obviously not call this the peak of the MMZ formula, but holy fuck does it come close.

Going back to the story, i honestly can't help but to love the story of the whole saga as a whole. It's so refreshing to see such a well structured story in such way that playing the games in order and being met by it is a much better reward for it than anything i could've asked for. The way the games connect, and the way characters are presented was just amazing for me. And i just can't help but to love Zero and how he's written. He might be edgy and serious, but that doesn''t mean he's inherently a bad character. The edge in zero's personality is handled in a magnificent way and i love the way zero has, not only his own sense of justice and moral code, but a flaming desire to protect those in danger. It might come off as a bit corny or cheesy. But i can only love it with how incredible it felt and merged into the narrative.

Now, to finish off, i would love to talk about the ending. Because it is the best thing to come out of Zero 4 in my eyes. MMZ4 ends in a somewhat bittersweet way. With humanity and area zero being saved, and hopes of a society where reploids and humans finally being a possibility. However, i have to say i cried HARD with Zero 4's ending. It's one of the most touching game i've played in the last months, and it's simply so well portrayed i can't do anything but to love it.

The Mega Man Zero franchise is one of the best sagas i could've ever played, and one that will forever be special to me in the years to come. And i hope it goes down in history as one of the best sagas to ever be on a franchise.