I heavily fucked with this and replayed it on other platforms later but the original experience on 3ds was unparalleled

Didnt like that this was british

This was the main source of beef in our household when i was 8

Honestly this was a crazy goated pack in title. The zelda and metroid games alone took hours to complete

Got this because I loved the GameCube game but this payed me absolute dirt and spat on me

This was such a dumb era but i “completed” the game with spyro. Thats all i cared about. Could have just bought a damn spyro game

This game was weird enough on its own but I bought it on Wii U…

This game had one god damn trophy that I just couldn't fucking get and it still makes me mad

This was genuinely scary it had British people and everything

This was a ps plus title wasnt it

People wish this was a flop but it spoke to all of us on an integral level

Really fun but my boars kept bugging around

They should have done more stuff like this for the vita maybe people would still think about it then