Luigi’s Mansion is a remaster for the Nintendo 3DS of a classic game with the same name, originally developed for Gamecube. Despite having some downsides compared to the original, this version is a perfect way to allow people to play one of the most distinctive games in the Mario Bros franchise on a popular console, preventing it from being forgotten on the fourth home Nintendo console.

To start, I can say that Luigi’s Mansion is one of the most charismatic games I have ever seen. You play as Luigi, looking to solve a mystery at a haunted mansion. The story is nothing special, but it's better than any other Mario game. It’s really funny to see a fearful character dealing with a place full of ghosts.

The battle system is really fun. While exploring this haunted mansion, you’ll face some ghosts, and you have to defeat and collect them with your powerful vacuum. It’s completely different from anything I have ever seen in a video game.

Even though it was released for a modern console, the 3DS version is a step back compared to the original. I never played this game on a GameCube, but it’s obvious that the lack of a second analog stick to control the camera is a downside. The performance is not a problem here due to the small screen on the 3DS.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 and 3 are better, obviously, but I still recommend you to play the first one. You won’t see it as an old game, and you’ll have an amazing time helping Luigi on his first spooky journey.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023


8 months ago

Wait, they remastered this game for 3DS? How did I never know this haha.

8 months ago

@RedBackLoggd It was one of the last games released for the 3DS, so it was forgotten. When it was released for the 3DS after the launch of the Switch, hardly anyone played it. Its physical edition is quite expensive because of that.

8 months ago

Got you, the Metroid Prime Trilogy effect lol. Was it remastered or simply ported?

8 months ago

@RedBlackLoggd Yes, it had the same "fate" as the Metroid Prime Trilogy. In both cases, it almost seems like Nintendo forgot about them. lol

I think this is more of a straightforward port. In fact, many people believe that this version is even worse than the Gamecube one because it doesn't have two analog sticks, for example. Honestly, I don't think that bothered me so much.