First FromSoft game I've beaten, who would've thought that it would be an Armored Core title?
As someone who has strong nostalgia for S.L.A.I., I'm surprised I haven't dipped into the mech genre any further. AC6 is a solid gameplay loop with tight controls, cool AC customization, and mostly solid difficulty levels. Two bosses in particular were a major pain (The spider bot and the depth 2 mech) but otherwise the game was fair with its difficult and punishing nature for certain mechanics. The gameplay is why you play Armored Core and it DEFINITELY doesn't disappoint. I got the Liberator ending on my playthrough and I know the other endings exist but I got a quota to fill so maybe I'll come back some day down the road.
The visuals are fantastic, the sound design is great despite the fact that I remember no music tracks, and the story is sort of whatever. The game just kind of... ended? After the final fight I didn't realize it was OVER over. I know people are not playing this for the story, but it felt like I missed something in how the narrative progresses. Characters are mostly forgettable with a few standouts. As someone who often focuses on story and characters in media as a whole, I'm a bit let down.
Overall though, the game is rad as hell. Difficult but rewarding and gives the player some creativity with how to proceed with their robot battles. The lack of memorable story, characters, and music subtracts points from a game with an ironclad gameplay loop that will likely have me coming back to get that true ending.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
