This game kinda HIT!!
Since this game shadow dropped earlier this year, Hi-Fi Rush has been on my radar. I picked it up and put it down in the early few levels as other big hitter titles released, but I found my way back here nonetheless.
This game is polished to the finest degree. Everything from the writing to the visuals to the music and the incorporation of that music into EVERY SINGLE THING related to the game makes this an absolute gem to experience. The gameplay didn't sell me at first but I found myself absolutely hooked by the end. I even beat the rhythmless white boy allegations!
This game managed to hit so many boxes for me. A short game that finishes strong, doesn't overstay its welcome, and gives you good memories of the great content within. More studios need to take note of what Hi-Fi Rush accomplished and replicate the authenticity and quality present. Absolute home run in a year filled with hard hitting games. Play it!

Reviewed on Jul 12, 2023
