Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 21, 2023

First played

December 23, 2018

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I can't believe I waited this long to play this game. The world Obsidian created has so much depth, giving the player so much agency to explore consequences, but the game operates outside of the realms of explicit good and evil. I never felt truly, fully satisfied with the morality of all of my actions, and I don't see that as a bad thing - quite the opposite, really. Every single decision you make really does have far-reaching positive and negative effects on the world, and more than that - you have so much freedom to approach quests however you like. I have so many stories about my first playthrough that I know are going to stick with me.

I feel like Bethesda will never be able to outdo what Obsidian achieved with this game, and it's a shame it was rushed. Even with the depth of its world, it could have been so much more, which is hard to believe in its own right. The combat might not be anything too amazing, but the exceptional amount of player freedom, dialogue options, and layered complexities to its world make it one of the best RPGs I've ever played. I'll likely be playing this game again someday, and I'll cherish my first playthrough forever.