I'm not gonna say no to another chance to wreck things with Annette and Dedue. Loved getting to see a different perspective on Fodlan and to meet some of the unseen figures constantly mentioned in Three Houses, the story has its issues (particularly feeling rushed and unfinished) but man it sure does some cool stuff at times. A shame that a certain bit of hypnotism happens and harms both the impact and pacing of Azure Gleam because that was shaping up to be a genuinely top tier Fire Emblem story... ah well, at least it still hit some very high notes. It's a musou, you know what to expect, but I love the micromanagement stuff, from the training and support building to those map mechanics to better direct your AI companions. Just had a great time, it makes for a very fun co-op experience and we were so happy to revisit this world and cast of characters.

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2022
