A neat little action arcade game, but nothing exciting enough for me to be interested in for any long periods of time.

The master system port is very challenging but not to a point where I have less desire to keep playing. Each start over I learned more and more about how I can control my biker and through that I wound up having more fun with this one. The visuals also impressed me for an early master system game.

I'm sure this must have been a fun soccer game for the time, but I honestly couldn't understand how to control it. I didn't understand how to switch between my players, it seemed to just happen whenever it wanted based on proximity to the ball. Additionally, I had a hard time actually shooting the ball once I got to my opponent's goal. Besides that, I kind of understood how it was played, but nevertheless, I didn't have any fun. I'm just not that into sports titles.

This one actually seems to have an endpoint, and I really wanted to reach it, but after about a half hour of playtime, I just ended up super frustrated and confused at points, so I gave up. I don't think I'll be picking this back up ever again, it's just not interesting enough to make me want to see the end anymore.

I played the American version which appears to be completely different from the Japanese version. While the graphics were very impressive, the gameplay wasn't anything I cared for. Not into sports titles so that wasn't surprising. There seemed to be a lot happening and a lot of choices possible in the beginning but I didn't really have any understanding of it. This is likely a title baseball fans would have loved back then, but I get absolutely nothing out of this. Hard skip.

I really like shoot 'em ups but this one is just ugly, slow, and bland. It's nothing more than a xevious clone, and a bad one at that.

While this isn't anything groundbreaking, and there are certain design decisions that confuse me (a roulette for temporary weapons), this is ultimately an ok shoot 'em up. This might not be many other people's kind of game, but I found it decently entertaining, and I think I will come back to this one if I'm bored.

Yeah, this is too complicated and confusing for me.

This feels a lot like Nintendo's take on Tennis for their NES, but not nearly as fast or as easy to play. While this is certainly a fine job when it comes to emulating tennis, it could have been a whole lot better.

While appearing to be an enjoyable scrolling beat 'em up, similar to Nintendo's Kung Fu, the gameplay itself is frustrating and much too unforgiving. Laggy, short punches, speedy goons that spawn super quickly, and one-hit deaths. I have no issues with extremely challenging titles of this time, but this game doesn't even try to be approachable in any way, shape, or form. It's challenging in all the wrong ways and offers no real reason to continue.

I admire the strange and nonsensical humor of this game and found the shooting to be kind of fun, but the gameplay wasn't really strong enough. I'm very annoyed by the specific angles of fire for moving left and right (also not a fan of shooting games where the angle of fire is determined by movement, but the master system only has one D-pad, so no twin stick gameplay is possible without using 2 controllers at once). It's fine for a go or two, but there's not a lot here to come back and enjoy.

Strange and challenging, but pretty fun. There's a whole lot going on at once but you're given plenty of health to deal with it, plus refills with every vampire kill. It's a decent little game.

Excellent port of a classic arcade title. Extremely difficult for me, but the game is extremely fun and very charming. My only gripe is that there's no map system here, but I can still play without it since the stages are pretty small.

The game certainly works perfectly fine, and can be pretty amusing, I'm just not much of a fan of this kinda stuff when it comes to video games. If you like wrestling, then definitely try this out. Otherwise, you don't really have any reason to try it.

I played the Japanese version, Hokuto no Ken, as I'm a fan of the manga. While I had a hard time controlling Kenshiro and attacking foes, this game seems promising if I put more time into it. I watched a long play on youtube, and the game is very satisfyingly close to the major events of the manga. I'm no good at it now, and thus I have not played very far into the game, but I'd say what I've played was decently enjoyable, and I must commend the rest of the game I've seen for its accuracy.