Mediocre. Of what I've played, it's pretty much Spy Hunter and Xevious, but not really as good in any way. The game plays okay, but it's nothing interesting enough to hold my interest. The music is especially horrid. I feel like this game has its fans, but I'm not one of them.

I think it's cute that there's actually a video game based on this, but I don't really understand how this game works. It's goofy and I'd say I'm naturally drawn to a game where I just try to kill someone, but I just don't get it, nor is the game interesting in a way that would make me want to learn more.

This just feels like Hang on but infinitely harder because of just how big the car is. It was definitely fun, and the graphics look incredible (especially for the car blowing up), but I got tired of it after so many attempts of just clearing the first track.

Pretty damn challenging but surprisingly very fun. The hidden green scrolls are extremely annoying considering you need to find all of them in order to beat the game, but it doesn't tarnish any of the exceptionally fun gameplay here. Definitely one of the best games on the console thus far.

I feel like this game is a step up from most of what's been released up to this point, but it's still very flawed and kind of hard to enjoy at points. My biggest issue is how slippery controlling Alex can be. Precise platforming is extremely difficult to do, compared to something like Super Mario Bros, where it's much easier to make precise jumps. I just feel like I have much less control over where Alex is going, and I always slip off edges when I do land. Another issue that really bothers me is the Janken matches. I just think it's a terrible idea to make rock paper scissors be many of your boss fights. It hardly feels like I'm expressing any sort of skill when I win, and I usually lose out of pure unluckiness rather than lack of skill. Of course, having Alex die after the match is also pretty confusing and frustrating. I have a lot of smaller, more level-specific or mechanic-specific gripes, but those are the two most bothersome in my opinion, as they affect the game as a whole.

Besides those issues, I should commend the game for basically being the Super Mario Bros. of the console at this time. I just haven't really seen anything like this yet on the console and I really think Sega did well trying to make something similar to Mario (yet different in its own ways of course, just replicating the main gameplay). Overall I'd say I think this game is ok. It has it's moments but has plenty of flaws holding it back form being truly excellent in any way.

Difficult but mediocre shooter that really would have benefited from twin sticks, but obviously the master system doesn't have a controller like that. Seems like a poor imitation of Capcom's Commando. Couldn't tell you if this has anything to do with the movie, I haven't seen it.

This seems to be very much on the easy side when it comes to shoot em ups but some of the enemies are pretty difficult to get around and you can die pretty quickly if you're not careful, even with all the super powerful weapons. You lose your weapons when you die, but they're easy to get back quickly, I'd say. There's not really anything new or unique to say about this title, but it's definitely a good time.

From what I've played of it, this game is pretty good and seems somewhat fair, it's just nothing here really makes me want to try again ever. If I saw this in an arcade I'd put a quarter in, but I probably wouldn't run back later to put in another.

It appears this game uses a peripheral or alternative controller which I cannot properly emulate with my standard Saturn controller which I use to play these Master System games. The way I was playing, it was just a jumpy mess, characters moving around for no clear reason while my opponents quickly and effortlessly shot the puck into my goal. I can't properly judge the game for this, so I'm going off looks. Looks fine. I imagine this is actually a passable game if you can actually play it with the intended controller. I'll give it a safe 5, right in the middle so I'm not being unfair to it. I'll do the same for other games I cannot play, because giving them like a 1 would be weird if I don't have controllers to play properly with.

Perfectly servicable and enjoyable little lightgun game to kill some time. It doesn't last very long though. You'll get board after 15 minutes maybe.

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You know classic mega man is the shit when the worst one is a 7/10.

This one has its many flaws considering it's the first in the series, but it's really surprising how much this game got right immediately. The basic formula for the classic mega man games is already implemented very nicely here, with the many selectable stages, the bosses with their weaknesses, and the fun weapons to play with.

On that formula, I have to say the weaknesses for all the robot masters make sense here, which I'm pretty sure isn't the same in the following games. Although, some of the weapons you unlock are not very great, like Guts man's rock throwing which is way too situational to be useful, and Bomb Man's bombs which are too slow to blow for it to be very useful either (besides a couple of points in Willy 3 which I was able to use the bombs in). Besides those two, the rest of the weapons are very great and I found plenty of use for them throughout my playthrough, which is good because I generally stick with the basic mega-buster.

If there's any major complaint I have with this game, it's the controls. Mega Man controls mostly fine, but his movements are way too slippery and he drops like a rock. Mega Man's slipperiness can be kind of hard to immediately see, but you'll notice it immediately in Willy 2. I tried to collect some refills on very small lower ledges and ended up sliding off the edge at least twice as a result of Mega Man's controls.

Another small issue I have is that the magnet beam is a required item that you can miss. In order to get it you need to have Guts Man's ability going into Elec Man, and you need to throw away the blocks blocking the item. Ive played this game enough times to know it's there and that I need to get it, so it doesn't actually affect my playthroughs, but I just think having a required item be so missable is kind of bothersome when you can get to the parts that require it without even knowing it exists.

The rest of my issues with this title basically sum up to the other following games being so much higher quality, so I will not mention them here. Overall I find this game to be pretty great. It has its issues but I really can't be too hard on it when there's so much done right here. Very much worth playing.

A very confusing adventure game, but I feel like if I actually read the manga this is based on, I'd actually understand how the items work together and what I'm supposed to do. Will come back to this, and maybe then I'd appreciate this more.

This seems like a decent-for-the-time golf game, but it didn't really grab me in any way. Truthfully, I've never cared for golf beside the mini variety, so even if this was a great version of the sport, I wouldn't really want to play it.

(Master System Version)

I fucking love Space Harrier, but I think it's clear that the game does not translate well to the Master System. It's not really just the graphics, I felt like most of my shots were missing even when they were seemingly dead on. I play Space Harrier all the time (often through Yakuza, of course) so I get the feeling it's more on the game than on my own skills. I just felt really sad seeing my favorite arcade game in such a poor state.

A fantastic improvement from the first game. Despite its low points, the game is consistently exciting due to the simple yet infinitely enjoyable jump-and-shoot gameplay. Add onto that the excellent music and the nice graphics and you've got one of the best games on the NES and one of the standout titles of the 8-bit era.

Specific stuff:
- I played on Difficult.
- I found all the robot masters to be really fun to fight, especially crash man and metal man with just the buster.
- The laser section in Quick Man's stage is difficult to get down, but I found it fun. I was able to do it without Flash Man's time stop, but I like that it's an option, as you can choose to attempt the section without it so you can have the weapon for the boss, or you can use it there and take on Quick Man without the time stop weakness. I initially didn't like that you couldn't stop the time stop yourself, but I think it works really well for this section.
- Not a fan of the end section for Crash Man, but that's mostly because I didn't have Wood Man's Leaf Shield, so it just kinda felt unfair without it. I can respect making a section that's centered more around a certain ability as it allows for a more rounded use of weapons, but I wish it weren't so troublesome without the Leaf Shield.
- The weapons are pretty great. I found plenty of use for all of them throughout my playthrough. Metal Blade is extremely overpowered, but that never bothered me, since I have the option to just not use it all the time. Either way, that overpowered-ness makes it fun to use.
- I don't like the Yoku Block section in Heat Man's stage at all. Thankfully, smart players can just skip it if they got Item 2, which I find to be very great. Awarding players for thinking ahead like that is pretty awesome.
- The first three Willy stages are pretty wonderful. I especially like the first one because I was able to use a wide array of my weapons to get through it.
- Willy stage 4 is pretty horrible. I initially thought the stage was fine until I got to the boss and got my ass kicked. After using up all my Crash Bombs I had to grind for around 10 minutes just to get my Item 1 and Crash Bombs replenished for the run back. I think it's horrible that you have so little room to mess up. I understand wanting to add a puzzle boss, but I think this is just way too punishing. It would have been better if you didn't have to use the Crash Bombs on the enemy itself. Despite my complaint, I think it's nice that the walls you've blown up at least stay that way when you come back.
- I had trouble with the Willy Machine, but after a couple of runthroughs, I managed to get through it just fine by using crash bombs on the final stage and some metal blades if that ran out.
- I love everything about the final stage, the final boss, and the ending.