It was spookier than I thought but really fun and it's a good example of how the game series are in general.

✔️ Played on Steam Deck, it works fine (19/07/2023). Touchscreen for menu, 'A' button for advancing text.

Not what I expected at all, it was pretty solid mixing some philosophical topics with the right amount of humour to make them bearable.

It's pretty well written and it manages to create enough worldbuilding and backstory for the characters to make them charismatic and interesting. It also feels refreshing to see an artstyle that differs from the usual anime-like sprites in this genre.

✔️ Played on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). 'A' button for advancing text.

Short creepypasta game. The ending was a bit disappointing but it's overall ok.

It felt so painfully relatable sometimes.

RPG with lots of VN elements. The story is light and the combat is nothing to write home about, just cute girls doing their stuff in a fantasy world, but it was entertaining enough to spend a few afternoons playing it.

✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). Touchscreen for menu and choices, 'A' button for advancing text.

Mega cheap on sale and worth the read. A bunch of short stories within the 'main story'. Backgrounds and artstyle are beautiful and it even has animated sprites for the characters which is surprising for such cheap vn.

Despite the mediocre character development for some of the protagonists I still think this game is incredibly underrated.

Artstyle and narrative are BEAUTIFUL. It's way more fun to play in coop. The only annoying thing is the appearance rate and drop rate for some events/items you need to complete secondary quests.

✔️ Verified Steam Deck compatibility.

The main mechanic and narrative are pretty unique and inmersive, but it feels a bit slow/frustrating sometimes. The ending :((((

✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). Touchscreen is needed.

Lots of Gone Home vibes. I really like this 'story told through inanimate objects that evoke memories' formula.

✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). 'A' button for advancing text.

Sweet, very pink and very plain love story.

✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). 'A' button for advancing text.

The animations are so well made and the story is so well narrated through the gameplay... Game's a bit short but worth playing just for the nice art and cozy vibes.

✔️ Tested on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). 'A' button for advancing text.

Very short and cute game to enjoy playing in coop with someone else :)

✔️ Played on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023)

The only valid way to experience pineapple on pizza.