Not quite my favorite in the AA series, but pretty damn close, just a few unfortunate things that irk me.

Let's get the bad out of the way. Cases 1 and 5 drudged on for way longer than they should've, which is super lame because they have GREAT starts—just needed to trim the fat a little. What makes it worse is that the English voice acting is pretty subpar and gets especially grating during those parts, especially Ryunosuke, sadly. Case 5 at least has a satisfying conclusion, 1 and 2 have a lackluster finale. Lastly, there were a few points during gameplay where the game contradicted itself, such as needing to recheck an object before I could present it, or other annoying bits like that. Thankfully, this isn't a huge deal, and is just something the series as a whole struggles with. If anything, TGAAA is way better about this than any other game in the series.

Alright, now that that's done, let's dive into the good, and oh boy is there a lot of good. For example, the characters. The characters are VERY good. I adore this cast, they're all so colorful, charming... fruity. They're very fruity. You cannot convince me Ryunosuke and Kazuma don't have a thing going on, it's all there in the subtext. Ahem, anyway, I love this cast with all my heart.
Herlock Sholmes is undeniably the best version of Sherlock Holmes I have ever seen. He's just a big, dumb himbo that writes about his own exploits. Yes, the novels exist simultaneously with the character in this universe, it's great. Pun intended. The prosecutor, Barok van Zieks, is one of my all time favorites, just behind Blackquill. He is... a little racist, but he's so fucking funny. I would not be surprised if he turned out to be a literal vampire in TGAAR. Also, Susato? Best assistant. Not even a contest. She's actually helpful, and doesn't argue with Nick about a ladder 27 times, and is just a lovable, charming, girl. Such a breath of fresh air.
Even the minor characters are fantastic. They've all got their silly quirks, and honestly, I don't think any of them overstay their welcome. The victim in case 5 comes close, but since he's the victim, he doesn't stick around long lmao.

Another thing I wanna praise is that none of the cases in this game are standard by any means. They all do something unique and I love it. Like, one of them is just an investigation, there's literally no court. Then in another, the victim isn't murdered, they're just assaulted... I know that sounds crazy but that's really big for Ace Attorney. And then in case 3... actually, I'm not gonna say anything about case 3, it's way too good to spoil.

But yeah, considering this is a VN, there's not really a whole lot more to say. Solid story, pretty fun detective work, yeah, I can't recommend this enough if you're a fan of the series. Hell, I know people who don't like AA that liked this game. It's great, give it a shot.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2021
