15 reviews liked by Limitlesswinter

It's really funny how Butter Barn Hoedown by itself completely demolishes anything from Friday Night Funking (I don't respect it enough to name it properly).

This is me btw if you guys even care

Same as the first, but the writing and character choices are no where near as strong (it's automatically worse by the inclusion of Borderlands). Also, hate to be this guy, but I feel like the RNG here is ridiculous. Some of the card hand outs can't help but feel rigged as fuck. This could just be a me thing and I had particularly shitty luck, but it still soured the experience a little.

Look at me, complaining about my "bad cards" like a butt-hurt baby.

I expected a Helluva Boss and Among Us Crossover. Bad Game do not play.

this was better than the original because i can see my favorite disney characters that i grew up with get run over and die

Alright pack it up, there's nothing more to see here. Steve is leaving Dead by Daylight, that means it is going back to being a trash game.

Joking aside, Stranger Things was one of the most faithful adaptations of the original source material into Dead by Daylight. Nancy, Steve, and Demogorgon all look great. The Hawkins map is/was extremely detailed and one of the only indoor maps that doesn't make me want to commit delete. The perks this time range from dumpster tier to decent, but luckily the characters themselves are the main attraction here. It's a shame that the licensing fell through for whatever reason. If you play this game, be sure to pick up this DLC at over half off before it's too late. (Provided of course you actually care about any of the characters of course)

“It was dumb to make a third-person shooter of pvz” no it wasn’t, shut up loser

i hate this stupid bunny with a passion can they fucking hang him already

didn't spend enough money to play more than one or two levels but the game gave me an ocelot card from sheer luck and i appreciate that.

still, almost certainly not worth it compared to just playing the actual thing though, cause this version is heavily stacked against the player even if you're playing with 4 people. even with the fairly decent mid-rarity cards we got we couldn't get through a whole level without having to spend credits to revive ourselves. only really worth it if you're a fan of the cards you can potentially get