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This is the height of what I was imagining for the concept of an FF7 Remake. While the first game's Midgar had been shown off multiple other times in other compilation works, many other locations had yet to be given new life from the pre-rendered background art they originated from. In that respect, this game 100% delivers in the presentation department.

To be honest, the original Remake's combat did not vibe with me when I first played it. Perhaps it was an unfamiliarity with a new system, because once I jumped into this game's combat everything seemed to flow like butter. Every character's toolkit feels much more essential to the greater framework of the party since you can now switch them around more frequently.

The main thing that this game revels in is its side content. Silly side adventures and minigames are abound, and it's what I think makes Final Fantasy games so charming. This remake fully embraces the goofier parts of the original, and I think it comes out feeling like one of the best in the series since FF10.