While I have a historical affinity for Schafer/Gilbert's comedic writing, this one doesn't quite do it for me. While the point-and-click puzzles are fun and witty, the usual meta jokes and zany character personalities did not coalesce into the quality I've seen in their other games.

It's astonishing what this team was able to create here. The artful mixing of lighting, live action footage, and excellent audio design contribute to an excellent and emotional story. The game doesn't bite off more than it can chew in both level and puzzle design, which makes for a very balanced experience.

This is unfortunately a romance visual novel where the romance is the least interesting element. The elements such as magic and cat curses work with the cozy cafe vibe most of the game has, however a lot of the romance arcs suffer from very rushed pacing. Only 2 of the 6 available routes actually felt like they had moderately enough time to be believable. Can't say I would wholly recommend it unless the premise really interests you.

While this game successfully presents the Mad Max aesthetic and world elements, it completely fails at using those elements to tell any sort of meaningful story. However, it does faithfully capture the feeling of building up a cool car and driving it through the wastelands with satisfying vehicular combat to back it up. I could only recommend this game if that aspect alone is enough for you to enjoy some open-world shenanigans.