Abzu 2016

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 24, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I love this game. I love the ocean, I love sea creatures, being able to just peacefully explore these beautiful areas and watch the sea life was great. So many wonderful moments in this game, from the fear of diving into the murky depths to meet the basking shark to swimming alongside colossal blue whales. The story is told wordlessly, and while simple was still a peaceful and emotional journey. The music is also perfect, I love the OST for this game, especially the track for the final segment.

This game is entirely worth the $20 it goes for, but it goes on sale for really cheap too. If you love peaceful games where you can just take in the experience at your own pace, or love the ocean, I highly recommend ABZU.