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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 20, 2021

Platforms Played


Good lord this game is incredible. I was already a fan of Doom 2016, and while I haven't replayed it in a while this game just absolutely knocks it out of the park in almost every way. Pretty much every enemy is fun to fight and encounter (though some are a bit more annoying than others, the more you fight them the easier they become), all the guns are a blast to use, the platforming is fun and the exploration and level design is great and makes it that much more fun traversing the level looking for secrets or upgrades. Warning you now though this game is WAY harder than 2016, but if you can persevere you'll have a great time. I do have a couple of gripes though, the final 2 bosses are pretty annoying and honestly this game is so cram packed with mechanics it's kinda daunting to relearn how everything works if you, say, happen to take a break from the game for a while. You have 8 weapons you can switch to on the fly with most having 2 alt fire mods each, the chainsaw that refills your ammo, flame belch that gets you armor, frag and ice grenades that can be swapped instantly, glory kills that refill your health, blood punch that deals a lot of damage and can kill most fodder demons in one hit and can be recharged with glory kills, the one hit kill sword, the airdash, the distinct weakness for each enemy, it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Regardless, I got through it, and it's an absolute blast. Might even go back to it to get all the collectables I missed and try the harder difficulties and extra modes. Also side note but this game has the most testosterone-filled soundtrack ever made and I’m all for it lol.