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1 day

Last played

January 8, 2021

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I know the "AGED WELL" critique is the equivalent of beating a dead horse at this stage and considering I have absolutely no nostalgic tie with this game whatsoever, I won't use it here. That being said, Super Mario 64 is an interesting but overall frustrating and lackluster experience. While Mario has a decent variety of acrobatic moves at his disposal, the controls are loose and imprecise for most challenges with this game, especially considering he can't even full 180 turn around on a dime. Attempting wall jumping is like pulling teeth out, and the mechanic where you slam into a wall the wrong way and basically aren't allowed to act at all and stumble on your plump Italian behind is incredibly irritating. Not helping things are the levels themselves. They can be kinda fun to traverse through but too many of them suffer from obnoxious design, bad gimmicks, and the water levels can triple long jump into a ditch where they belong. Too many of the stars feel like they were made so you were forced to purchase a guide book back in the day in order to even find them, the powerups are pretty lame and aren't really that fun to use, the bowser fights are awful and not helping things is the terrible camera to top it all off. It was an interesting experience for historic purposes but I don't really want to come back to this. I've had my fill.