Favourite Writing in Non Narrative Focused Games

A bit nebulous I admit, but essentially those games which don't have an authored narrative but which have good/funny/enjoyable writing. Suggestions welcome.

Medieval II: Total War
Medieval II: Total War
Every total war game admittedly, and this is the game that made me think of this list idea. The general unit descriptions and battle narrator are so good they genuinely make the game so much more enjoyable for me. "Your name will live on in marble, the enemy's in sand!" "The enemy general is dead! Fear makes a home in our enemy's heart!" "My sultan wishes you dead", "By the lord above, our enemy has been most humbled today, let all who remember this day remember our most glorious victory" etc delivered so earnestly, I love it.
The newspaper you get at the end of each turn are both historically interesting and somewhat facetious in a way I like. And the tutorial advisors being all machiavellian as well I quite enjoyed : "exploit the smaller nations by buying their cheap raw materials and selling them back expensive finished goods"
Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2
Mandatory mention, has some of the most memorable characters in gaming despite not really having a set narrative beyond barks, animations and some supplementary material like the meet the blank series and the comics.
suggested by C_F. Admittedly I was originally trying to constrain the list to literal text writing, but I suppose all narrative tools are writing to some extent. interesting article about the behind the scenes creative decisions
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Suggested by Arus
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Suggested by Arus


6 months ago

I've always enjoyed the witty dialogues from GLaDOS and Wheatley in Portal 1 & 2.
I'm not sure if you would consider Portal 2 narrative focused or not tho

6 months ago

@Armakeen those are good, but I would consider them narrative focused games.

6 months ago

A lot of strategy games fit this list like a glove. I'm personally partial towards Age of Empires 2. The various campaigns not only had lovely intros/outros with narrators that were recalling those events as a lived experience for an audience but each mission typically had dramatic moments carried through the gameplay. I always remember feeling palpable relief when I reached the gates of Orleans after being chased by Burgundians.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 also had lovely intros and outros that gave each mission a sense of foreboding and gravitas. "What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was."

6 months ago

@Arus good suggestions, thanks!

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