Xeno Games Ranked

Reading the title explains the list. This list is also woefully unfinished due to my inability to sit down and beat saga or x, but it will be complete one day goddammit.


29 days ago

Xenoblade 1 in first place, NOW WE TALK !
I have to admit I have a little bias because it was my first Xenoblade game, but god dammit it's still amazing regardless of that. Still the best story in the blade series imo 👌

I just finished Future Redeemed this week and I absolutely loved all the callbacks to the first game. Even the final fight is reminiscent of the final boss of 1.
I was quite disappointed with both Future Connected & The Golden Country. So Future Redeemed is the first DLC I really enjoyed from start to finish.

Honestly tho, all the main games are VERY close to each other in terms of quality. I could see any of the three games at the top and I wouldn't bat an eye

28 days ago

3 over FR, 2 and Torna is crazy

28 days ago

Where's Xenophobia

28 days ago

@Shu_Watch I originally had reasoning for my placements, but I accidentally reset my list and didn't wanna do it again. In short:
FR and 3 is a tossup. FR has the better gameplay loop, but 3 has more customizability and music.
2 is very liable to change, bc I spent my original run comparing it to 1, which was really unfair.
I will stand by the idea that Torna was way too drawn out. It was 20 hrs of gameplay for a story that could have been told in 3~5 hrs. It's padded to the gills by forcing you to do almost every sidequest in the game, and that irked me enough that the places where Torna shined couldn't overtake it.

28 days ago

Edit on that last comment: Another problem I had with FR is the opposite of Torna, where everything feels rushed. FR has so much substance in its story that it could feasibly warrant a full-sized game, but it gets stymied by being forced to be the length of a DLC campaign.

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