Very happy that this is strongly an AC game spiritually and not just “robot souls”, but I don’t think that’s stopped people from projecting the conceptual framework of souls onto it. It’s undeniable that the last 10 years of fromsoft games has had significant influence on this, not just the healing and lock-on and chapter-ending bosses but more generally the animations and level design and art direction, at the same time it’s also been frustrating to see people treat so many game design decisions that are characteristically Armored Core or at least conscious modernisations of it as being solely extensions of Elden Ring. Fromsoft has been making punishing games long before Demon’s Souls was even a twinkle in Miyazaki’s eye and that was originally much more to do with how it cohesively fits with the bleak atmosphere that their games try to evoke rather than any notion that “this is what the hardcore gamerz want”. Souls fans hypostatized this into the “hard but fair” slogan and we’ve ended up in a situation where so many people mistakenly think fromsoft’s games are hard just for the sake of being hard (which is partly the fault of marketing and party the fault of DS2 and partly the fault of the fans), but even then I feel Armored Core has always had a very different “fight bullshit with bullshit” approach to difficulty that’s often more puzzle-like than a mere test of execution or reactions, and the reception to this title more than any makes the difference clear as swathes of soulsheads struggle to make the transition or simply assume that they're struggling "because it's meant to be hard" rather than their build being bad.

I hate feeling like I’m wading into “discourse” but rattling off “bad difficulty curve” as if it’s some objectively bad thing is exactly the kind of abstract “good game design rules 101” thinking that I hate about so much game critique - acting like there’s a universally correct standard of difficulty instead of trying to concretely reflect on the wider context of the thing in front of you. One of the things I like about Armored Core is how it is principally about difficulty spikes, how it attempts to weave together incredibly easy morbid power-fantasy missions where you effortlessly stomp on people who don’t really deserve it and incredibly memorable walls like Nine-ball or White Glint or Balteus who kick you back to the drawing board and force you to engage with the customization without much regard for how predictably-structured or player-friendly the outcome is. This isn’t to say that disliking this blend or any of the boss design here isn’t valid, in a very general sense the flow is not traditionally Armored Core so I understand why oldheads would be turned off by that, nor is it to say it’s “good because it’s different”, it’s good because it works within the uniquely unconventional gameplay texture of this series, in spirit if not literally. If every game had a perfectly smooth difficulty curve, they would all be homogenous and sterile, and one of the things I love about fromsoft is how they’ve always been willing to flaunt such rules in pursuit of more holistically sublime experiences: Common game design dictates that Demon’s Souls’ final boss should have been the epic showdown against King Allant, not a mercy-kill against a defenceless blob, common narrative design dictates that Armored Core’s stories should be conveyed in appealing ways instead of frigid corporate Zoom calls - but I think both are better and more unique and interesting for ignoring such refrains.

This is all to say that Armored Core will alienate people. It’s a game that will be defined by its reception, by the clash between its uncompromising vision of excessive stat spreadsheets, difficulty walls and corporate bleakness against the expectant fans eager to experience Miyazaki’s new game with the souls series as their standard of quality. If anything, I think the cautionary attempts to inject some souls tropes into the affair have actually backfired: Chapter 1 starts incredibly slowly so new fans can be eased into things, but this mostly just creates a poor first impression and bores experienced players while also slowing down NG+ runs. There’s healing now, but the existence of checkpoints means that souls fans expecting something estus-adjacent will be disappointed, and the checkpoints themselves mostly (from what I’ve seen) trick new players into trying to brute force bosses instead of backing off to try a new build, which is admittedly discouraged by the mission structure requiring you to re-do the whole level leading up to the boss if you want to back out to buy new parts, despite the mid-level assembly option. There’s a lock-on now, and there has been an attempt to balance it, but it still mostly serves to make the game less unique and feel less like AC.

All that being said, there’s a lot to love here: Boosting around in your AC is more smooth and responsive than it’s ever been (though not as wild as 4A), so many of the new weapons here are unbelievably satisfying to use, the animations are gorgeously well done and the sound effects are top notch. While I wished to explore them a bit more, some of the environments are stunningly intricate and grand. The charming arena descriptions are back, Balteus’ theme slaps so hard, Rusty feels like AC’s version of Pixy from AC, Cel 240 reminded me of the final boss from Panzer Dragoon Zwei (though this is probably the only boss I would consider outright overtuned in its second phase), and I love how explicitly this game picks up on the thread of augmented humans from older games, I especially love making absolute freakshow mechs and giving them pretentious names and some of the new options here like the tetrapod legs are really unique.

Still need to delve deeper into NG+ and beyond, but I’ve been pretty damn satisfied with this. It’s certainly not without flaws but I think there’s just so much potential in this new style of AC that I can’t help but want it to succeed, and I would love to see it iterated upon and see some of those confused fusions between souls and AC ironed out and working properly. I think 4A might still be my favourite AC overall but this is definitely a promising revival for the series.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023


9 months ago

great review! definitely agree that the game doesnt push you enough into experimenting with different builds - i myself have been pretty resistant to that part of the game for a number of reasons even though i know it's a part of it that i should ideally engage with. also very much agree on the vacuity of "game design 101" herd thinking.

9 months ago

@baldur hey thanks! Yeah I think older games were better at pushing you into it, I think the arena is too easy here which in past games was one of the biggest things pushing me into experimenting, I would love a followup like 4A or Verdict Day which makes things more challenging (at least in the non-boss bits, the bosses are plenty hard already). As an aside, I've been enjoying watching joseph anderson send his joms mech into battle lol, glad he's warmed up to the game.

9 months ago

agree that this game doesn't push you as much, but the old AC arenas could pretty much be cleared by just the tank or quad legs with a grenade launcher. simple biped builds could also clear most missions, outside of when they asked for parts or properties that were only contextually useful. i tend to prefer when a variety of builds are viable and what to use is left to preference, which I think the series often went for and that this does decently well

they really should've added the parts shop to checkpoints tho.. or at least separated the major bosses from the long missions they're part of in some way

9 months ago

@clownswords yeah you're probably right, I think I just never really tried that combo in the older games so I never realised they could be all be beaten by that one build, though I do remember them generally being harder. Also had the same thought about the parts shop being available at checkpoints.

9 months ago

good review, agree with just about everything here and I especially enjoyed the bits about difficulty spikes and how that kind of dissonance is used to great effect in the series. also glad someone else thought chapter 1 was slow, cos man they really got spooked they'd scare people off huh

separating bosses from longer missions crossed my mind too. I think we could've got levels with more punch if they went that route, and we might not've seen the resource management and attrition bits stripped out by checkpoints and ammo restocks that the bosses necessitate. the game toys with removing checkpoints a few times (maybe only in NG+ missions?) and I think it worked quite well so I'd have liked to see that handled more elegantly across the board

9 months ago

@curse they even do this for a lot of the big AC duels already! ultimately doesn't bother me much but it's so close to being ideal

9 months ago

totally. it's not the end of the world or nothing, just some peculiar wrinkles here and there that are almost where they need to be but not quite there like you're sayin