(Google version) I should complete it one of these days

Not as good as playing it in real life with friends


I wish this had 2 players, and if it did ...."oh"

I remember this game being pretty fun on cool math games

A fun short puzzle game. I recommend this to anyone who is getting into the genre or having a tough time in the genre

I get the point of it but it really is boring, no clue why kid me enjoyed watching people play it

I have zero memories of this game, I will put a real review when I play it again

It do be fun and it do be pac man

It really isn't fun especially by yourself and with high level CPUs

I had a great time with this game. Basically my childhood, sad Adobe flash dying killed it

It's ok, I had a better time watching Jacksepticeye play it

Nostalgia is probably in the way of this one

I had a fun time beating my classmates in math class

I just notice this game is technically a roguelite/roguelike