Pretty addicting once you know how to play the game

Great fun, the ds only side quest that involves back tracking 40 million times sucks

It's a really fun dungeon crawler, I recommend it. I didn't expect the heavy/depressing story but I really enjoyed it. I played it along side a friend and we had fun talking to each other about it.

I loved the ost, bosses, and world. Not much of a fan of 2's dungeon design and magic focus but fun nonetheless

Funny bosses, painful platforming, and dope ost

Loved it so much, story was great, characters shined in their moments and the job system is super fun

Not the best and not the worst. Like buttered bread

Loved the NPC dialogue and the slow moments. The ending scenes were eye-catching

The second half is one of the best thing I've ever seen. That final boss was fun and worth the pain and boredom of the rest of the game.

Not much of a fan of the combat, item crafting, boss fights or ost. Even the party system was awful to me. It felt like the game lacked so much even though it was 40 hours long. I wish they had decreased the amount of hours because so much of it was just honestly a chore

Not as awful as everyone was saying. Obviously there's some flaws but I rather enjoyed the ost and some parts of the story

The ending, Kid's personality and ost made it worth it. But the "random encounters" sucked.

Fun but played really weird. Still have fond memories over it though