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Personal Ratings


GOTY '23

Participated in the 2023 Game of the Year Event

Favorite Games

Slay the Spire
Slay the Spire
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 4 Golden
Beat Saber
Beat Saber
Rocket League
Rocket League
Guitar Hero II
Guitar Hero II


Total Games Played


Played in 2024


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Slay the Spire is a perfectly balanced deckbuilding roguelike. The four characters with unique playstyles along with randomized card rewards, map layout, merchant offerings, bosses, etc. all combine into what I'd consider the singular game with the highest replay value.

Every time you start a new run, you're quite literally forced to play the hand the game deals you. Adapting to the RNG never feels cheap in Slay the Spire, because you always have the feeling that you're one lucky card reward or relic away from an overpowered synergy.

This is by far the most hours I've put into any game (don't ask me for the actual number) and it's likely to keep climbing over the next decade. I play this game on my Steam Deck, phone, Nintendo Switch, and PS4. Once they port it to smart refrigerators, I'll gladly drop another $15 on the greatest game of all time.