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Jurassic World Evolution
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The sequel to Jurassic World Evolution, the game was a step up, graphically and gameplay-wise, giving you a full range of motion when It comes to building style, whether you wanted to build a modern tourist attraction, a zoo, or a government facility, this game has it covered.
The best way to experience this game is owning all of the DLCs, making an even more unique playing experience, and you'll be able to make enclosures that mimic that of what the species would live in, it's like planet zoo with dinosaurs and no modular building, being made by frontier, I knew it would be in good hands with frontier's resume when it comes to management games.
Overall, I had fun playing through the game, with over 100 hours on record, I have made several unique parks and facilities, and this game doesn't have any limit, you can make a guestless natural area for dinosaurs to live the way they would've 66 million years ago, or have guests be the main focus at the park, aside from the dinosaurs of course.

When I saw jurassic park for the first time back in 2014, I fell in love with it, and dinosaurs ever since, so when this game came out when I was in 4th grade, I was desperate to get my hands on it, and I didn't like it at first and didn't touch it for a while.
Then I got bronchitis one day in 2022 and was stuck at home for a week, and while going through my playstation library I decided to play it again, and in one week, I had completed the game, got the dinosaurs, the islands, sandbox mode, and enjoyed it for a while until JWE2, when I decided to close out for one last time before switching, finishing all of my unfinished park builds and getting 100% completion before closing out for good.

when I started playing this game when I was 4, I had no idea how long I would still be playing, it's been 10 years and I still dump hundreds of hours into this game, it has a simple gameplay formula that has been added on to for 14 years, even though this most recent update doesn't have a main premise, it still delivered, and it will continue to deliver until microsoft decides to shut down servers for budget cuts or something, but my opinion remains.

Minecraft is my favorite game of all time, no doubt.