Esse é um dos poucos jogos que conseguem me deixar genuinamente (e extremamente) irritado.

The "story" is kinda bullshit, but the gameplay is surprisingly smooth. I had fun playing it, even though you can pretty much beat the game within 30 minutes.

I absolutely hate this fucking game. Why can't I just sit down and enjoy the sequel for one of my favorites >ACTION< rpg? This card bullshit annoys me so much I felt like committing a crime during some boss battles, that's the level of anger this gameplay gives me.
However, the cutscenes and story kind of make it worth the hustle, although you'll have to face hell and flames to get to the good parts.

I REALLY like this style of gameplay, it's SO FUN to build your deck and explore the combinations of the Command Styles. During my entire run of the very first route I was giving the game a solid 9/10, maybe even a 10, but... theeeen the others came. It's SO tiring to play the "same" thing three times in a roll. By the middle of my 2nd run I was beginning to feel burned out, but I finished it. And then became the 3rd run... Turns out I finished the 1st route in 3 days, and the 3rd took me over TWO MONHTS to have the enthusiasm to finish. I couldn't take it anymore, it's so boring to go through the "same events" again and again.
So that kinda ruined my experience a bit. But in the end it's still a great game, despite some really odd dialogue lines and very dumb actions done by the characters lol.

Now for some more specific "route rating": I played in this order because the first two characters looked more intersting to play with: Aqua -> Ven -> Terra (in the end I realized this was probably a mistake but whatever, Aqua rules)

Putting that aside: my first impression playing with Aqua was like: "I can play this all day, this is AMAZING"; and it actually was. Her route is my favorite; her Commands; her Styles; everything is PERFECT.

Ven's route is nice too, but he's less exciting than Aqua as a character IMO and his Commands/Styles are more boring overall. ALTHOUGH his route's got some AWESOME moments, like >that< scene in Radiant Garden... oh that's amazing.

And now listen, this is probably a hot take, but... Terra SUCKS ASS, I fucking hate this character. He is SO DUMB and the gameplay with him is SO BORING, he takes too long to unlock good Command Styles, which makes his route REALLY boring until you reach like 70% of progression. He's so fucking slow and clunky at combat; his Commands are trash AND he's dumb and plain. His storyline is so stupid, the game doesn't make very clear what's on his mind and why he does such dumb actions, just to regret everything at the ending (oh what a surprise). You can predict what's gonna happen in his story from miles away.