Ninjatown 2008

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 1, 2024

Platforms Played


I was never the most perseverant gamer; it's only in the past couple years that I've started making an effort to push through roadblocks in video games, and even then I'm far from perfect. (Moonlight Butterfly...we will meet again one day.) So in a weird way, I'm glad I didn't play this back in 2008, because it's got some fiendish difficulty spikes that absolutely would've had 11-year-old Luke trading it in for $2 of GameStop store credit on the spot. But 26-year-old Luke got to experience a charming, well-designed, remarkably varied little gem! Even if the fourth-to-last level had me wondering what I could buy with two bucks these days.