2 reviews liked by LumberJack749

Willem Dafoe seal of approval (Willem Dafoe appears in this piece of media)

Thus far, the Resident Evil I’ve played and seen is the fun kind of horror, your John Carpenter, George Romero kind of horror. This one dips into some hard-ass David Cronenberg, Wes Craven kind of horror, your grotesque, grungy kind of horror, your loved ones trying to kill you, upsetting, psychological kind of horror. Also unlike the other ones, it never lets you get to that point where you feel you’re ready to take on anything guns ablazing, you’re always second guessing whether or not you’ll be ready for what’s around the next corner. Ethan isn’t a cop or a soldier like you play as in the other games, he isn’t killing zombies with roundhouse kicks or haymakers (though I like how those moves come back in the dlc when you’re playing as Chris, to draw that contrast), he’s just some guy, vulnerable and afraid. I appreciate the everyman’s perspective on the events of a Resident Evil game, it makes the game far more intimidating and suspenseful.

This game is a bold departure from it’s predecessors while at the same time staying faithful to the franchise’s roots, and I honestly think it’s one of the series’ best.