Hello i'm Luminit :-)

I like to play and review games but some of my friends say that my reviews are a bit critical so beware. if you like what I have here definitely check out my Youtube channel.

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GOTY '23

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While the story was a good follow up, the fighting is the best part as usual, and the web slinging actually got improved allot, this game still just feels like an expansion instead of a truly breath taking sequel. This is mainly cause of the gameplay loop for me and how there’s not much to do but just 100% complete all of the objectives like every other open world game, I just wish this game was more innovative but it’s still decent and does improve on allot of issues I’ve had with the last two games.

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Such a great Immersion Sim game that allows you to make super creative gameplay choices and also allows you to change the outcome of the story in such drastic ways. Also exploring the station and its many sections is super expansive and trying to survive in its environment with the survival mechanics set in place is also pretty challenging at first. And even though the combat is a bit slow and the enemies are not that scary I do appreciate that they went for a more strategic style for their action instead of just mindless shooting.

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This game is a pretty big step up from The Enigma Machine in my opinion with the horror not depending on jumpscares and actually being creepy while exploring the map and it secrets is pretty unique but also kinda confusing at times.

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