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While the story was a good follow up, the fighting is the best part as usual, and the web slinging actually got improved allot, this game still just feels like an expansion instead of a truly breath taking sequel. This is mainly cause of the gameplay loop for me and how there’s not much to do but just 100% complete all of the objectives like every other open world game, I just wish this game was more innovative but it’s still decent and does improve on allot of issues I’ve had with the last two games.

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Such a great Immersion Sim game that allows you to make super creative gameplay choices and also allows you to change the outcome of the story in such drastic ways. Also exploring the station and its many sections is super expansive and trying to survive in its environment with the survival mechanics set in place is also pretty challenging at first. And even though the combat is a bit slow and the enemies are not that scary I do appreciate that they went for a more strategic style for their action instead of just mindless shooting.

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This game is a pretty big step up from The Enigma Machine in my opinion with the horror not depending on jumpscares and actually being creepy while exploring the map and it secrets is pretty unique but also kinda confusing at times.

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I did not like this game at all the arcade mode kinda redeems itself but still that mode is extremely short lived. If you like vehicular combat, action, shooter indie games I don’t really recommend checking this game out and while I wouldn’t say it has no effort put into it, it’s definitely a super passionless project.

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The Adventure and Photography gameplay on here was nice and also pretty relaxing since this is a simple game there’s nothing crazy going on here and even though yeah I would’ve liked to see more done with some of the mechanics and features on here, at the same time it’s not really a big deal since what makes this game entertaining is the interactions the character has with the world not how you can interact with it.

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The action platforming in this game while not anything out of this world, for what it is I’m pretty impressed with how much this game pleased me in such a short amount of time and if you like short simple platformers with unique mechanics to make it stand out this is a pretty cool game to check out. So yeah that’s my review, I’m going to be giving Cat Souls a Strong 6 on the recommendation scale.

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The Open World Action Adventure Gameplay is pretty much unchanged but if you loved the last Spider Man game it does improve on some of the little aspects that definitely needed some improvement so you might enjoy this more than others. Now the Platforming and Fighting gameplay is also kinda the same with the web slinging pretty much being unchanged while the fighting was actually improved a bit with new abilities that just adds more excitement in these action fueled fights. So yeah that’s my review, I’m going to giving Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales a plain 6 on the recommendation scale.

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Marvel's Spider-Man has such a good story for a superhero game but I do wish that the gameplay did a better job at balancing the Open World exploration and the Action Adventure story missions. The Fighting is my favorite part of the game for sure with how super easy it is to get into and also with how flashy it is, and while the Platforming is also pretty good it's not as easy to get into since they didn't do a proper job at teaching the player how to web sling. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Marvel's Spider-Man a Plain 7 on the recommendation scale.

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The story is pretty good when it comes to a Horror game but I feel like I couldn't interact with the story in any unique ways even though the game puts itself as super interactive. Also the gameplay is very short lived and doesn't have much to show with the Adventure gameplay just having the player walking around looking for passwords and the Action sequence at the end being a pain in the ass to get through. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving The Enigma Machine a Plain 4 on the recommendation scale.

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While exploring the world of Transiruby is interesting at first, the Metroidvania style Action Adventure gameplay keeps switching from doing skill free, simple, and fun exploration to then doing complex, difficult, and unnecessary puzzles which leaves the player confused as in what there doing. The Platforming is probably the best part of this game unintentionally since as you go on you get more ways to traverse the levels in fun ways, but the same can not be said about the Fighting which stays the same the whole game and could've really benefited with some extra moves or upgrades. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Transiruby a Strong 5 on the recommendation scale.

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The ideas here for a Survival game were actually pretty cool but sadly the level design from the Action Adventure campaign just throws these ideas out the water with boring tasks to complete and annoying enemies to deal with. Even the survival mode which is a mode that has infinite waves of enemies coming at you is much more enjoyable than the campaign and that mode only has 1 level where replay value is next to none. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Road of Death a Plain 4 on the recommendation scale.

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This game might not look that good with it's pretty dated art style but I assure you that the Puzzles in this game while easy at first definitely had me scratching my head after a while, and trying to complete the game with limited moves in the hard mode did not help with that but if you just like a simple Puzzle game this is a pretty neat collection to go check out. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Dungeon Slime Collection a Plain 6 on the recommendation scale.

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I love Stray's Action Adventure gameplay, it might not be anything special or genre defining but it does have really good presentation and the way the game rewards the player for helping the characters out with wholesome and memorable moments instead of just giving them an item or an award really let's the player feel like they are an impact on this world. While the Platforming is really easy and simple I'm glad its like that since it doesn't really distract the player from the atmosphere or story since they don't have to worry about pin point accurate jumps. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Stray a Plain 8 on the recommendation scale.

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What could've been a short, sweet, informative, Adventure game is just a lazy asset flip that has you slowly walking around a village looking at clip art pictures, the only positive about this game is that it's at least playable and it's also an easy way of getting a platinum trophy and that's it. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Black Death: A Tragic Dirge a Plain 2 on the recommendation scale.

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This game has great Action with how this Open World adaptation of Mad Max is constantly being filled with chaos and destruction everywhere with the Driving gameplay having you build and upgrade a beast of a vehicle to go against other enemies and the Fighting gameplay giving you scarce weapons to fight but a high blood adrenaline to beat the crap out of a bunch of enemies at once. And while exploring the Open World is cool too, the Adventure side of things can be a hit and miss here and there with the fast paced gameplay not really mixing well with a world that's trying to immerse the player. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Mad Max a Strong 7 on the recommendation scale.

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