Load of interesting horseshit.

High/Low blocking is cool, and this being maybe one of the first iterations I've ever seen of it does give it a bit of neat game design-level charm to it, especially when it does a better than average job of testing that. The real problem is that that's kind of all this game is? Just like, nothing else? It's a testing of very very simple fundamentals that goes WAY beyond the time limit where that stays interesting, with positioning only mattering at select points while most of it is still waiting. Poorly paced, dripping with eroded architecture, very intentionally shitty dungeon design to make stuff longer for god knows why, doubtful to say that there's really moments that will stick with you as charming.

If you're looking for difficult games that stress one mechanic, maybe this will be interesting for you. Otherwise you can jump and well time smack off to something else, odds are if you were interested in that you'll have already played this game.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2020
