Amazing game, one of the great Metroid games. The pacing is superb. I dont know how they made it but it feels like you are always going in the right direction.

The structure is very similar to every 2D Metroid except for the E.M.M.Is that chase you down and instant kill you, raising the stakes and putting you at the edge of your seat, which is great.

I loved the depiction of Samus here. The development team totally gets It. She is in her most badass form.

I would also like to highlight the Bosses here. I think every boss is great and with the right amout of challenge. Overall they are the best among the 2D Metroid.

There is not much to complain. The music is not very memorable. The load times annoyed me a little, but this can be improved in future releases for newer hardware. My biggest complaint would be with the counter mechanic, which felt very inconsistent. Sometimes the reaction time required for some enemies is too short, and you rely only on luck. But in general the warning comes way before and you only need to pay attention to the enemies animations.

Coming out fresh from the experience I would rank It below Super, Prime and maybe Prime 2. Definetly one the greats.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

samus is basically like the nostalgia critic in a lore movie in this game