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2 days ago

MEzZ finished The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition
It's not perfect by any means, but despite its age, Morrowind still has some of the best world-building, lore, atmosphere and immersion you can get in a game like this. It's not easy to get into in the first couple of hours, mainly because of the janky dice-roll combat and the amount of text you need to read. But once you take your time with the game's mechanics and read what the NPCs and books have to say, it's very rewarding, engaging, and interesting. Backed with Jeremy Soule's iconic soundtrack and the different ways you can build your character and just break the game, I can definitely see why people have loved this game over the years and I really have only scratched the surface of what this game has to offer as I'm still planning to dive back in the future.

So, in conclusion, MorrowBoomers won, and I hope Elder Scrolls 6 can bring some of that Morrowind Era Bethesda goodness.

2 days ago

MEzZ earned the Replay '14 badge

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