1 Review liked by MOlikesgames

More than anything, I associate Silent Hill 2 with anxious melancholy. It's a game associated with fear, self-hatred, guilt, and a lot of other things that I don't necessarily disagree with but never feel anywhere near as resonant to what the whole of this game is. It's empathetic more than it wants to condemn these people, even despite the cruelty of most of their fates. The use of atmosphere and environment here for storytelling is a level above and beyond what you normally get to see. Environmental storytelling is a popular concept, but rather than just find things in the world that tell you the story, the world itself also is the story. The way the town appears, the way rooms become sickly and infested, and the way characters specific spaces reflect their own traumas. Silent Hill doesn't judge these people, it simply reflects them, you begin staring into a mirror, and you never really stop.