Really good game.

The artstyle is the reason I wanted to play this, as this is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Sometimes I would just sit and stare at the game, it just look so good.

The Story is what takes center stage here, and its pretty good. It starts out a little boring, but as it continues it gets pretty wild. Everyone diving more and more into insanity from being on the Island was a crazy thing to wacth unfold. It's also a really beautiful love story, one of sacrifice and determination from both Harry and the main protagonist Nora. It really starts to tug on your heart strings near the end.

Nora herself is a pretty good protagonist. My only problem with her would be how sometimes she can seem a little niave to her cituation, or she won't have the proper reaction to the absolutely insane things happening around her. She's still a great charcter though, very selfless and determined to save her husband.

The gameplay is puzzles. These puzzles often are very obtues and convaluded, at least they were for me. Chapter 3 probably was the worst of it. I hate to have to look up walkthroughs when playing games, and I think that's what seperated the good puzzle games from the great ones, when they aren't complete horseshit. I did like a good bit of them though, so its not like they were all bad.

The thing I can't stand with this game the most is this horrible motion blur. My gosh, this is some eye melting mush of motion blur. It takes the game from stunigly beautiful to making it look just terrible. You have to play it to see what I mean, it's really bad. There should atleast have been an optipon to turn it off.

Something I got to quickly mention is the musical score. It was absolutley beautiful, and really made everything fully come together whenever it came on.

Lastly, the ending. It was weird, it was a little convaluded, maybe a little dumb, but it was very bittersweet. Having to chose between going back to Harry and living with your illness until you die, or accepting your fate, is something that I'm wondering if that was something the developers should have done. I chose to accept my fate, I did this because everything Harry did, and everything people died for, would have been for nothing. Harry's ending is a bit sad, but I think he would rather Nora be alive and well then her be dead.

All and all, I enjoyed this game quite a bit. It's puzzles could have been a lot better, and the motion blur is some of the worst I've ever seen. But the story is great, the artstyle gorgeous, and the music fantastic. I'm not sure I would recomend this to anyone who like games in general, but If you like Story driven and/or puzzle games, play this game.

Score: 3.6/5
Letter Grade: B

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023
