Had the pleasure to fightcade this with C_F, and it was a fun 'time', but not a fun game. Conversation helped mask the fact the whole game was a damage-spongey monstrosity.

This game has the worst boss rush ever made too, cause the whole game is 90% bosses already? Imagine if the 2nd Loop of Ghosts N Goblins replaced all the level tilesets with the last level tileset. Just doing the same thing, but harder and worse, while staring at the same graphics.

Actually now that I say that, the 2nd loop of GnG taking place in the last world would be way more badass than whatever's happening here.

Maybe this is better single-player? Always a chance the damage values got wonky because of 2P, you know how beatemup devs get with this shit

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023


6 months ago

I can confirm that the damage sponging is just as absorbent in a solo run, and yeah the boss rush is fuckin' abominable.

6 months ago

lmao when i played through it i thought it sucked because i was by myself and that it would be more fun with friends, guess the games just not very good all around

6 months ago

The sponginess is also made worse by the game forcing you to hang back and use projectiles. It’s a wrestling game where any grappling or hand to hand combat is purely random and therefore not a viable option.

6 months ago

i didn't even know there were projectiles lmao

6 months ago

That’s okay, it ALSO sucks using projectiles!