Really strong conclusion that ups the ante on the OVA-esque drama and setpieces, though it also has its fair share of low points like the mission where the mayor suicide-bombs his own town if you miss a few targets and the god-awful water dungeon. A transition away from 1's lackadaisical homeliness to a more epic anime fare. The transition brings its own strengths and updates to the original's gameplay and design, though its ambition often gets the best of it. It can often feel like the controls took a single step up while the rest of the game design takes 2, demanding a level of money grinding and enemy challenge that a ps1 game can't prepare you for.

I'm still pissed Legends 3 never came to be but I also don't feel like it would've been very good under Inafune's direction. The way he was setting it up treated 2's ending like a major cliffhanger that needed to be formally resolved instead of a brief end-credits gag. Literally insane that the MML fandom at large has been gaslit into believing otherwise JUST because of this one man. What a deranged person.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2020
