TW// sexual content, abuse

Yeah yeah the unlicensed porn shmup is dogshit, who would've fucking guessed. Play bad shmup, get stills of naked anime girls. But this game has this added uncomfortable vibe I find so bizarre. The shmup sections go beyond being pathetic and have genuinely eye-straining visuals, bordering on seizure-inducing if they were any flashier. First stage in particular has this garish water background where the layers are slightly disjointed and scroll and unnatural speeds, and on CRT I could hardly look at it without my head hurting. And when you do get to the strip scenes, all the girls look visibly scared as they get naked, and there's this oddly haunting music track that plays, all on solid black backdrop. It's chilling. Literally the only thing keeping it from rape-adjacent is that there's tons of untranslated dialogue per scene that could MAYBE, SOMEHOW indicate otherwise. I'm not smart enough to explain the design scheme that comes of playing physically painful shmup stages in exchange for suspiciously non-con sexual content, but yeah, it sure is something perplexing. A smarter indie dev could probably make something non-exploitative under this harrowing psychological ludonarrative - hell, someone probably already has.

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2022


1 year ago

Would you say this game is better or worse than Critical Bypass on Action 52 in terms of eyestrain?

1 year ago

Bit worse