The Vs Capcom to Mad Stalker's Street Fighter II, but the lack of budget and enemy variety makes things extremely repetitive. There's a ton of cues taken from Treasure (especially Gunstar and Guardian Heroes) - most good, like the combat style and high-energy take on Laputa, - but most design shortcuts they replicated don't work in this context. There's exactly one generic enemy type with variants and a couple gimmickier versions - which is fine in Gunstar because the enemy waves are fat to chew between the bosses and setpieces, but not so much in a fixed-lane brawler.

And god what jackass made this a fixed continue game? Beat Stage 7 on my last life and got treated to the Fill-In Cafe boss rush, said 'nope' and just turned it off there. Fucking sickos lmfao.

Reviewed on May 20, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

I recall the Treasure feel is from it being conceived by someone who did work at Treasure. but I could be wrong.