Street Fighter 6 World Tour rules! Its ability to own the 'goofy-self-insert-in-a-serious-and-tender-plot-of-self-actualization' shtick is fucking amazing. I loved getting lost in the city, snooping out arcade machines, decking out my threads and pile driving old ladies into the concrete. Video games.

Street Fighter 6 World Tour made me miserable! World Tour is an impenetrable grind and lasts three times as long as its story should. The sense of player progression is an unbearable drag. If I am optimizing how I grind and not just beating people up willy-nilly, I should be leveling up more frequently than once per half hour, and those stats should have actually meaningful effects on my matchups. When I walk into a tournament 10 levels above everyone else with all bought supplements and still have worse damage output & defense than the competition, something is wrong. These RPG environment systems work well with the fighting game loop but not the individual mechanics, they Destiny-ified this shit to kingdom come.

By the halfway point I was continuing purely out of buyer's remorse - there were freckles of fun but it was purely a job to me. Blech.

Fighting game's good too, I haven't played much of it admittedly, not big on fighting online randos and I haven't found a character I perfectly gel with. Gotta bring my boy Necro and my girl Sakura back someday, plllllEASE.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

Yeah, I never got around to finishing WT after the enemies started button-reading and inexplicably doing Gold Sol Badguy levels of damage. Still love the hustle of the entire thing at least.

They gotta bring in the Bison troopers from the movie the game, then I'll have someone to main.