My most anticipated game of all time has finally arrived, and all I gotta say after finishing it is... I'm broken. This game destroyed every part of my soul and I'm gonna need a long time to fully process it. I can't believe Druckmann delivered this story, but I'm so happy he did and had the courage to do so. Technically, it's by far away the best game I've ever seen or played, from performances, to gameplay, audio, level design, textures... it's perfect. It's insane that the PS4 was able to deliver something like this and Naughty Dog continues to be at the top of the industry when it comes to the quality of their games. I'll be replaying this more times and one day I'm gonna try to give my full thoughts on it, but as for now... This is everything a Last of Us sequel should've been, but so much more then that.

I played this briefly in my PS4 a little before I upgraded to the PS5, and now is when I actully played it. I was very excited for this game since I'm very nostalgic to the original Lego Star Wars games and I love Star Wars, and to see that they we're going all in for the biggest game Lego has ever made got me super hyped. Now that I finally played all the levels and did a bit of the open world stuff I'll say that... I really liked it overall, but not everything lived up to my expectations. For positives, the game looks stunning and Traveller's Tales certainly delivered their biggest game so far, with tons of big maps with a variety of iconic locations, and the amount of fan service and love for the material really shows. The gameplay is classic Lego gameplay as usual with a few additions and it's a fun time, the amount of collectibles to find is huge and whenever they managed to capture the films right it was great to see, especially because of how funny some of their parodies and jokes are.

But the thing is, for every positive in the game there's always something about that's lacking a bigger punch, and it holds it back from firing at all cilinders. The new gameplay additions are cool but they don't feel entirely polished, going on space with the ships is awesome but you could easily spot the limitations of it, seeing all the films and playing them is great but the levels feel rushed and could breathe some more, and the open world stuff to do gets repetitive after a while. I don't know if that's what happened, but it felt like they needed some extra time to complete the game and WB decided to settle with what they had and release the game as it was because jt was good enough. And while sure "The Skywalker Saga" is most certainly good enough and a solid game, I also think it could've been perfect if they went a little further with its own ideas. For fans of the Lego games or SW this is certainly worth your time and worth picking it up, and maybe TTs can use this base and improve it on their next game.

I played this because my cousin recommended it to me as a casual fun game, and I guess that's pretty much what I got. I played the first 3 levels and it's definitely a competent enough action game with some cool designs, but I've seen all this before and done much better in other games. Kinda felt like I coudl've been playing better stuff so I dropped out, but it's an okay little game and worth a look at least if you're interested. Who knows, you might like it better then me.

As everybody was back in 2020, I was super excited for this game, but I ended up not pre ordering it because I was low on money and boooooy did that ended up being a good thing. I was sad to see what happened to CD Project Red and everyone who got frustrated over the disaster that was the launch of this game. But I never lost hope, I knew CDPR would turn around and fix the game to what it was always suppose to be and while it took 3 years for that to happen, they finally did. With the release of the 2.0 update and the expansion, I finally opened my sealed copy that I got cheap for this moment and jumped to what Night City had for me... And it was everything I could ever hope it would.

This is some of the best world-building I've ever seen in any media, Night City is some of the most infectuos places I've ever seen and I could honestly be in it forever, as I was always in awe by it's beauty and insane amount of attention to detail. A world that is filled with danger, intrigue, horniness, mystery and amazing Sci-Fi conceptsThe story is super well written and gives the player a wild amount of options to interact with, the characters are layered and super well written and acted, I felt in danger of what coudl've happened to me and I cared for what was going on. Never have I felt so inside of a world in a FPS before and I always felt like someone inside that world, thanks to unbelievable animations that made the first person view flawless and the insanely fun character customization. Thankfully I was happy to get an ending I was very satisfied with after doing every side quest before the final mission, but I did checked some of the other endings and my god they are so different.

As for the game itself, this is straight up the best FPS I've ever played. The combat is layered and filled with options as to how you wanna fight your enemies, the upgrade mechanics gives you even more options as to how you wanna build your character and which trades you wanna prioritize, and the DualSense capabilities we're awesome. I have no idea how this game looked like in launch and I never will, but now with the game finally fixed and put to it's maximum capacity I can easily say that this is one hell of an experience. Graphics and visuals look absolutely amazing on the PS5 and I didn't had any issues during my entire playthrough, audio sounded amazing accompanied by a fantastic score and it's awesome to see a game that actually goes all in with it's own horniness. More of that please. So yeah, I f*ing loved "Cyberpunk 2077" and I can easily call it one of my new favorites. Can't wait to revisit it and get my hands on the "Phantom Liberty" expansion once I can get it on a sale. If you're on the fense about picking it up, rest assure and definitely do so, you won't regret it.

Obviously I had played this before, in fact this is my third time playing the game. One when it originally came out for PS3, second when it had the PS4 version and it's new first person mode, and now a third and probably final time on the PS5 before the highly anticipated GTA VI. It's been 10 years of this fifth installement and for the most part what made it such a huge game back in 2013 is still intact, even if you can obviously tell it's age by now and some of it's flaws are now more telling. It's definitely an iconic game and for really good reason, I found the majority of the story enjoyable and funny, the characters likeable and the gameplay a lot of fun. But yeah, I think the world is ready for the next Grand Theft Auto and I'm glad we're not so far from that. Consider my pre order done as soon as that comes ou in 2025.

Back when this was announced and we we're in a Marvel high, I was excited to see these iconic characters getting their chance to have a triple A game. But after the first looks we got into it and the insistence of its live service nature, I decided not to buy it and wait for the reviews and thankfully I dodged a bullet. A year later one of my cousins got the game on a sale and that's where I gave it a try, and it was cool for about 20 minutes and then very quickly became boring and dull so I gave up 2 hours later. After that I thought that would be my history with this game, especially once it got delisted. But then a little game called “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League” came out, and despite its many issues I had a fun time with it and didn't care much for the excessive hate it got, except when people started to champion “Marvel's Avengers” as better than that. So to have a proper opinion, I picked up the old dusty PS4 physical copy my cousin had, put it on my console to play the PS5 copy and played the entire thing to truly dissect this game. And now having finished the main story, the DLC character missions and played some of the endgame content, I sadly can confidently say that this game just plain sucks.

Was there anything good in my 40 hours of gameplay? Well yeah, it's not like this is a complete disaster or anything. The graphics certainly look solid and well produced for the most part, the combat animations look pretty cool and satisfying and they did an okay job making every character feel unique as you play. The cast does the best with what they have to work with and do come out with respectable performances, and as someone who doesn't like Modok at all I'll give it this, his look here is the best I've seen. And that's about it, now onto the bad stuff. The story is unbelievably generic, poorly structured, terribly paced, it takes too long for things to actually happen and once it does it rushes its way to the end. The dialogue is either serviceable or cringey, particularly with Ms. Marvel who's not done right here at all and comes off incredibly annoying and trying too hard to be likable, and I say that as a super fan of hers in both the comics and the MCU version of her. The mission structure is also super lame, you either get multiplayer-like objectives in the single-player campaign that don't fit or super linear sections to run and jump. I also got super sick of the same freaking environments all the goddam time and none of them are compelling or appealing, they're mostly just gray and lifeless indoor laboratories with occasional but also dull outdoor areas. And as for the endgame content? I was already sick of the game so forcing myself to play some was torture, it's just the same thing over and over again.

But hey, “SS: Kill the JL” is also super repetitive and doesn't have great endgame live service content, why is this any worse? Well, the gameplay there was actually fun and I much prefer that over this. And it's not just my personal opinion, but also that it was always super well optimized and the servers worked properly for most of the time. This game is broken at its core concept, because this is trying to have mechanics of single player action combat games in a freaking online live service thing. It's glitchy, it doesn't respond well most of the time, it has severe frame rate issues and the pacing of it is ungodly slow and unsatisfying. I thought playing it on the PS5 would make it a little better, but it really didn't which is shocking because I've never had such a bad performance with a game on this amazing console. It's so obvious that this type of game is not made for an online live service thing because, in concept, all of this should work and be fun, but it never is because you never truly feel like you are those characters. And I'm not even gonna talk about the terrible loot, the lacking skill trees and the micro transactions when the game was still available because they speak for themselves. I'll give props for releasing new characters and missions for free, even if all of them are the same bullshit as before and didn't save the game at all, which being fair is probably gonna end up being the same fate that's gonna happen to “SS: Kill the JL”.

So yeah, I really don't like this game and I think all the hate it got is deserved, but I gave it a fair chance. For all the many issues that “SS: Kill the JL” has, there's still a well polished and fun time to be had for me, while in “Marvel's Avengers” there are sparkles of cool things in a deeply unsatisfying bad game. If you like it and you disagree with me that's perfectly fine, these are just my two cents. Is it worth finding a copy of this delisted game and giving it a chance? If you can find it for free and you really feel like trying I guess, but for anyone else just ignore it and keep it dead. It's so baffling to see a big studio with the biggest characters in media back when this dropped, wasting it all on such a corporate product that's more worried about how to make the biggest buck then making a great game. What a shame.