"If somehow the Lord gave me a second chance at that moment... I would do it all over again."

The story of this game quickly became one of the most controversial ones ever told, but despite how much hatred it generated on people, it was all for the right reasons. Neil Druckmann and Halley Gross wrote a powerful and unforgettable tale that challenges the viewer in every way possible, but none of that is just for shock value or disrespects the original like so many people thought it did, but because they wanted to discuss human questions that have no moral easy answers. They knew this story would've pissed a lot of people off, and when the world finally played it they even questioned themselves if they did the right thing, but the reactions Part II caused proved that everything they we're trying to achieve was right. Druckmann and Halley told this story because they knew it was the right one to tell, the one that felt most loyal to what the first game was and also one that had so much to say, and they deserve an award for being this brave and sticking to their guts. There's no way to describe how hard they go on what they discuss without actually watching it, because they put their audience on an emotional test that dissects everything you believe as a person. And while sure it's a phenomenal looking game, probably the best one I've ever seen, and the gameplay is also top notch... That's not what stucked with me after finishing the game.

When the credits rolled I was deeply depressed by it, and I had so many extreme reactions and feelings throughout that I'll just never forget it. When the hardest thing to do in a game is not pushing the button itself, but doing what that button wants you to do story wise, you know you did something monumental. For me "Part II" achieved a groundbreaking status by pushing what Videogames could be as a piece of art, deliberately bringing an experience that is not necessarily fun throughout for a artful reason. I was forever changed after that experience back in 2020 and it'll never leave me, I learned so many things as a person and I still think about everything I felt during that original playthrough and all the later ones including this one. To me, "The Last of Us: Part II" is one of the bravest and most powerful stories ever told in any media, and that is the highest complement I can give to a piece of art. It's impossible to go through the journey of Ellie and Abby without feeling a lot and having something to say, and how amazing is that. I'll always be thankful that Naughty Dog gave us this experience, I can't wait to see how Druckmann and Craig Mazin are gonna adapt this in the HBO show, and I'll be there day one for the eventual Part III that just got confirmed at the end of the Grounded documentary included.

And as for this new PS5 version, the visual upgrades are very welcoming and noticeable but it is definitely a remaster that only slightly polishes what was already flawless. The DualSense capabilities are great, it looks absolutely breathtaking in native 4K HDR and the 30fps is consistent, but I only played that for the main campaign. The "Lost Levels" and little bonuses are nice for fans, the Grounded documentary is a must watch, but the thing we all wanted to see is the "No Return" mode and it does not disappoint. I've been having a blast with this mode, it always managed to keep things fresh, playing with all the characters is super cool and you can fully explore how dense and perfectly executed the combat and gameplay really is. I'm gonna keep playing this for awhile cause it's super fun and great for quick casual playthroughs. If you want a new version that really ups the visuals of the original game you're not gonna get that, but if you want the graphical upgrades and the extra content, alongside a great new mode to fully mess around with the exceptional gameplay... This is definitely worth the $10 dollar price point. It's the definitive version of the game and every fan should play this version whenever they feel like it's worth it.

This was cool and looks amazing... why couldn't this be an actual game rather then a tech demo though? Seriously, just make a big budget Matrix game that's awesome, we all want it. I'm begging you Warner Bros PLEASE! 😭

I was very hyped for this considering how much I loved the previous games, and I think Insomniac once again delivered in spades. This takes full advantage of the PS5's capabilities to do some incredible action set pieces, with a lot happening on the screen in a big and stunning map to explore. The combat is just as good as the last one with some significant improvements, the new skills system was a nice change, there are more enemies to face and the boss battles are epic. There's plenty of well incorporated fan services, the MJ segments are much better, there's tons of surprises and a great amount of suits to use.

As for the story, I thought it was a great tell with some of the best Spider-Man content ever, particularly the stuff with Kraven and Venom that ar the best they've ever been out of the comics. There are great stakes that keep getting higher, it's very well paced throughout, the characters are sper charming and the humor hits just as well as the dramatic parts. My only complaint about the whole game is that I wished it was longer, because I had fabuluos week playing the game and I wished there was a little more in it once I got that Platinum. Nonetheless this was a fantastic sequel that does everything right and a must play for every PS5 owner. It's also a great system seller that shows you what you can get out of that new console.

I liked the driving with the bike, the graphics and visuals look pretty good for the most part, and the combat can be fun sometimes... that's about it. This is my third time trying to get through this game after I gave up my last two, because it got so slow and uninteresting and I was struggling to get into it but I tried for real this time, and I still couldn't do it even after wasting 10 hours into it. The story is boring, the characters are generic, the writing is god awful and after the wedding scene I just gave up all hope. Also, the way this treats women is just pathetic, I hate bringing stuff like this to a review but I'm sorry, I thought we we're passed shit like this. I can understand people having fun with the game itself, but I'll never get how can someone defend this atrocious writing. Also it doesn't mean I enjoyed the gameplay itself because the pacing is terrible, the story is horribly incorporated into the gameplay and mission structure and the zombie hordes are a rare thing to happen. I can't do it, I'm sorry. If you liked it I'm glad for you and I'm happy this got a cult following that enjoys it, but for my money this game sucks and I'm not a fan at all. It's not horrible or broken, but very little of this works for me and I can't force myself to finish it.

I love DC, I love the previous Rocksteady games and I really like the SS so I obviously was excited for this, that is until the reviews came out and I started to get nervous. I decided to wait for a sale and as soon as I found a good one I picked it up and gave it a fair chance, and I don't regret it. I won't deny, there's a lot to unpack both good and bad, but I wanna start with the good because I did enjoyed my time with this game for the most part. The gameplay is certainly a totally different thing then the Arkham games and it's much more alike to a Sunset Overdrive, and I honestly think it's pretty fun. It's fast paced, you constantly have to be moving around and using your abilities to keep wrecking everyone and I thought it was cool. The traversal is also quite a lot of fun to get the hang around since every character moves differently. The graphics and visual presentation is top notch, smooth 60fps and native 4K HDR, I didn't had any glitches and it was overall very well polished on my PS5. Also the cutscenes look amazing, particularly the facial expressions. I thought the writing was surprisingly funny, I enjoyed the concept, the performances are great and for the most part I was invested... until they started to rush everything and not end it at all. Time for the flaws now.

I agree the deaths of the JL members could've been handled a little better, but the biggest issue is that the more the story progressed the more rushed it started to become, and then it decided to just not end at all for future seasonal content. Not a bad idea conceptionally, but they didn't executed well and it felt very unsatisfying. The content in the game is unfortunately very thin, because as much as I really enjoyed the gameplay after I finished the story and did a few hours on the endgame content, it got very old very fast. It lacks variety, in the enemies, the missions you're given and the maps you play on. Also the grind and loot system is just not engaging, I enjoyed the weapons but there wasn't a ton of variety on them and the upgrade systems on them are confusing and weirdly structured. It just doesn't have the strength to be what it wants to be, as fun as it can be sometimes there's only so much you can play of the same exact thing over and over. Honestly they should've just made this a single player game first and then added the co-op missions and online content as a bonus. Then everything that's lacking in the game could've been improved amd expanded upon, while still having the online content they're going for in a much more concise way. But, this is what we got.

So, did I liked "Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League"? Yeah, for the most part yes I did and I ain't ashamed of it. Would I recommend it? Well... that's a very complicated question. On the one hand I had a lot of fun with it over my 60 hours playing it and I think there's a lot of cool stuff like the fast paced gameplay and great visuals, and I'll give credit that the servers worked well when I played with friends and we had a really good time. But, there's no denying that this is a deeply flawed game, and I don't know if people are gonna be able to enjoy the good in it because they're big ones. For full price I definitely say no, half price if you wanna give it a chance and think it might be fun, but if you're skeptical or think it doesn't look good then wait for it to be available for no additional cost. There's fun to be had here and I seriously think its a fun shooter, but you are the one who has to decide whether you wanna give it the chance or not. Unlike something like "Marvel's Avengers", I do think this is a good game, one that's sadly brought down by it's obvious issues.

(As for Season 1, unfortunately I can't give it a pass because it was considerably disappointing. The Joker is a very fun character to play sure and I liked his mechanics, the Joker themed areas are nice... but that's it? No new bosses? No new story points besides one three minute cutscene? No new enemies or variety to mission objectives? That's just bad man. I like the game but if they really want this game to have a life or a comeback, they won't get there by putting out content like this. I don't even know if it'll survive after this, that's how lacking it was. A shame, but oh well, at least I had fun shooting and flying around with friends and it'll remain an option for us.)

When this game came out it had a huge impact for First Person Shooters and many other games going forward, and I remembered it being a legendary game that I played it twice, once on PC and another on PS3. It's been a very long time since I played this again and many things about it have been copied a lot by other games, but I'm glad to say that this didn't affected how well this classic game has aged. Still to this day the best one in the series, "Far Cry 3" delivers everything you want our of a single player open world game and a FPS, with gameplay and mechanics that influenced many others and still work great. The story is very solid and well paced, with likeable characters and very intense moments. The graphics have aged a little yes, but it looked amazing at the time and I think if you look it in that lengths it's still impressive for that time period. I was afraid that this one wouldn't be as good as I remembered with more mature eyes, but thankfully this is just as great as it ever was and it remains as one of the very best ones of its kind.

As much as I knew about all the backlash towards this game and that it probably wasn't gonna be anything great, I wanted something quick and casual to play and I decided to give this a chance. There are some nice stuff, the character customization is fun, some of the abilities you get are fun and there is some of the good old Saints Row DNA here in there. But unfortunately the biggest problem with this game is a severe lack of polish in every area, making it look more like a beta test than a finished game. It's playable sure, but there's tons of glitches, bad AI, poor audio quality, it lacks energy to the story and missions and the graphics could've been better. I don't think it's a complete disaster and I had some sparkles of fun in brief moments, but they never last and the gets super dull and repetitive very soon, to the point where I just stopped half way point because it all felt so pointless. If they gave it a lot more time in the oven, this could've been something, but as is, there are hundreds of better options out there to spend your time.

The perfect start for anyone who gets their hands on a PS5. This is so much better then a tech demo has any right to be. Not only does it show off all the best things the DualSense can do, but it does so in a very fun and inventive way. All the love for the PlayStation brand is here as a big love letter to fans to enjoy in a simple, but effective platformer that looks stunning. A blast from start to finish and a easy Platinum, this is the first thing you have to play when you turn your console on for the first time.

Not only is this an insanely gorgeous visual experience that takes full advantage of the PS5, but it is also one of the best games of it's genre that I ever had the pleasure of playing. Every single aspect of solid 2016 game is done so much better in every way possible. The gameplay is a pure joyful blast from start to finish, it never gets old and they always know how to keep things fresh and interesting. Both combat and platforming are in perfect sync to each other as a game like this should be.

But what really surprised me in all of this was just how lovable the characters are, both Ratchet and Clank have a lot more to work with which is great to see, bur Rivet and Rit are the absolute standouts and I loved them so much. I can't see a new game of the series without them now so don't you dare to do any stupid thing, make the four of them a team forever. I absolutely adore "Rift Apart", it is a must play in every way. A joy to play for every minute on screen and a powerhouse of what the PS5 can do. It doesn't matter if you're new to the series or not, just make sure to don't miss this one, and I'll be sure to revisit this more times despite already having the Platinum trophy.

I love the "My Little Pony" shows, and I thought it would be hilarious to make this my first PS5 Platinum Trophy so... That's what I did hahaha. Took me less then an hour by the way. It's definitely something for very little kids who never touched a videogame, but it looks cute and colorful so I guess it'll do the job. Just don't pay for it cause, again, less than an hour of game here.

When I saw the trailers and that "Sucker Punch" was making it, I knew this was gonna be something special and now thanks to the PS Plus Extra I finally got my hands and tried it.. and My God this was one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Now, could you make a point that much of what's done here was already done in other games? Sure, but in this way and probably not as good as this. The combat is some of the most satisfying and engaging ones I've ever played, it starts out a little weird until you get used to it, but once you do and you get good at it you'll feel as powerful as a Samurai can get. The animations looks stunning, it's brutal and impactuful as it should, it never gets old and I was having the time of my life. And as for the map and the visuals, this is just beyond gorgeous, the colors are mind blowing, the characters look great and the amount of detail put into the wind is just breathtaking. The main story is excellent, the acting is super strong, the stakes keep getting higher and higher and the side quests are just as engaging. I have zero issues, this is one of the best games to ever come out of hte PS4 and a must own for everyone who has it. I'll save the content on the Director's Cut for when I replay it on the PS5 and I can't wait for that.

I only played the Main Story and a little bit of the extra modes to get a full look on the game before the new one came out that same week. Gameplay is super fun as usual, graphics look pretty good on the PS5 even if you could tell it is a updated version of a PS4 game, but the story honestly was just bad and way too convoluted for me. Overall I had a good time for sure, but I don't think I'll ever come back to it.

I had the chance to play the game on release thanks to a friend that pre ordered the game. but had to travel when the game came to his home, so I thank him for it. Consider this my initial thoughts for the game as it was on release, because I do plan on replay it on the future to see how it evolves. As for now, the graphics and visual presentation looks absolutely fantastic, the gameplay mostly feels great to play and the first act of the story mode was going great. But once we hit the second act it went completely downhill and turned out to be a major dissapointment of a story. The extra modes didn't felt like would keep my interest for too long and I was just not a fan of the cameos mechanic. So yeah, kind of a mixed bag but let's see how the game is gonna look like when it's on the finish line.

I really tried to have a good time with this, but after 3 hours I just couldn't do it anymore. It certainly looks nice despite the poor 30fps performance, and the combat animations certainly looked very nice but the combat itself is way too repetitive and lacking nuance. The story wasn't grabbing my attention despite my insistence, the map looks cool but it's a drag to walk around it, the levelling system was a drag and the pacing was so slow. I wish I could say that maybe I'll give a second chance someday, but I know I'm not. Not a terrible game, but definitely pretty bad.

My most anticipated game of all time has finally arrived, and all I gotta say after finishing it is... I'm broken. This game destroyed every part of my soul and I'm gonna need a long time to fully process it. I can't believe Druckmann delivered this story, but I'm so happy he did and had the courage to do so. Technically, it's by far away the best game I've ever seen or played, from performances, to gameplay, audio, level design, textures... it's perfect. It's insane that the PS4 was able to deliver something like this and Naughty Dog continues to be at the top of the industry when it comes to the quality of their games. I'll be replaying this more times and one day I'm gonna try to give my full thoughts on it, but as for now... This is everything a Last of Us sequel should've been, but so much more then that.