Some of the best films of all time are those whose different strengths all work in concert to create a unified, engrossing whole. The Shining, The Social Network, and Jaws are all excellent examples of films made up of strong individual parts complementing each other to form a fantastic work of art. That is absolutely true of Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony Anniversary Edition – its musical score elevates story moments, which flow seamlessly into fantastic detective and trial gameplay, which facilitates exploration and puzzles that reward you with a deeper understanding of its characters and its expansive and beautiful world. Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony Anniversary Edition is a masterful composition of exceptional interlocking parts, deliberate in its design and its foreshadowing, which pays off in unexpected ways in both the gameplay and story.

I expected great detective and class trial game play from Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony Anniversary Edition, and it delivers that handily. But I didn’t expect it to be a thrilling journey in which every aspect of it complements the others to form what is nothing short of a masterpiece. It’s a game in which Monokuma, a previously one-note character, becomes a complex father, warrior, and monster, embattled both on the field and within his own heart about how to treat his MonoKubs; one in which the world opens up and shifts, offering rewards in both gameplay and knowledge of its lore that I treasured with each accomplishment. The obvious care that went into crafting its world, characters, and gameplay delivers by far the most stirring and memorable game in the series.

Keep seething brainlets. This game is a masterpiece and is better than anything you’re currently playing.

Danganronpa 2 es un logro magnífico. Es una maravilla de la ingeniería. Es una de las grandes maravillas del mundo moderno y civilizado. Es un misterio fantástico y fenomenal. Es una aventura espectacular. Estoy atónito por la calidad del juego. Me enferma el estómago pensar que el incendio absoluto del contenedor de basura que es Elden Ring de alguna manera obtuvo 97 en MetaCritic, ¡pero Danganronpa 2 no obtuvo tal puntuación!

There are some people that are worried Ninja Theory will be closed because of what occurred with Tango Gameworks recently. Worry not, fellow Xbox denizens and zealots, as a leaked, highly confidential performance review of Ninja Theory written by Satya Nadella has just come across my desk. I will post the performance review below in its entirety, unredacted. This performance review shows that this game was indeed a 10/10 experience, and that Microsoft, Xbox and Satya all love Ninja Theory and that Ninja Theory is long for this fucking world:

“Performance review of Ninja Theory
Performance assessed by Satya Nadella, CEO
Performance corroborated by Amy Hood, CFO, and Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft Gaming

Teamwork: 10/10

Willing to be counted on by their teammates and expect the same in return
Develops strong relationships in a professional setting with coworkers, superiors, and other staff members
Provides support to teammates on their tasks, even though they are not directly responsible for them or obliged to help
Exemplifies a culture of collaboration on a daily basis
Readily collaborates with their coworkers to accomplish the goal
Exceptionally adept at motivating team members to bring out their best effort.
Oversees the team's operations and delegates tasks to team members appropriately.
Built a highly motivated team that collaborates to commence and finish the task on or before the deadline
Always willing to assist teammates who are going through a tough time with their responsibilities

Attendance: 10/10

Replies to emails and attends calls of stakeholders on time
Attend conferences, workshops, and seminars on time at all times
Always arrive on time for work each day
Completed 5 years of flawless attendance
Consistently available even when their division's work schedule is unrelated to it
Follows the schedule and plan as accurately as attainable
Always shows up on time, sticks to the schedule, and takes lunch breaks as scheduled

Interpersonal skills: 10/10

Has strong interpersonal skills and needs little to no instruction in communicating well with others
Possesses the ability to deal with sensitive circumstances promptly and efficiently
Can hear and effectively comprehend verbal and nonverbal indications from coworkers
Ensures that their teammates are comfortable with a decision made by a higher authority
Is an excellent team player who enjoys working with others
Possesses the ability to resolve team conflicts
Has the capability to collaborate with colleagues to resolve conflict in a respectful manner
Possesses the ability to communicate clearly with people from different cultures, places, etc.

Communication: 10/10

Adept at efficiently conveying complex messages and decisions
Routinely offers constructive criticism
Communicates complex subjects to the rest of the team in a transparent and understandable manner
Asks interesting and meaningful questions
Not afraid to answer when confronted with a difficult question
Is skilled at summarizing and conveying critical business decisions
Is open to hearing other people's opinions

Achievement: 0/10

Game was not really a game. Seemed like more of a movie?
Game received only 81 on OpenCritic
Sales are absolutely tanking
No material movement in software sales, console sales, or subscription sales and retention as a result of this game

Innovation and creativity: 10/10

Frequently comes up with fresh, creative answers to handle difficult situations
Thinks creatively and unconventionally
Always encourage or assist teammates in coming up with innovative ideas
Their creative capabilities are a valuable contribution to the company
Has a strong imagination and routinely offers some of the most original ideas
Uses creative thinking to carry out a vision for the business
Consistently offers fresh ideas during meetings and when working on projects

Overall: 10/10

Conclusion from CEO Satya Nadella: We will not close Ninja Theory. However, we will lay off 45% of the staff. And we will no longer greenlight games like Hellblade II from this studio. Consider having Ninja Theory join Activision’s umbrella to work as a Call of Duty support studio.”

Rien sur la planète Terre ne m’a mis plus en colère que lorsque je me suis réveillé plus tôt ce mois-ci pour voir qu’Elden Ring (un jeu qui a littéralement des vulnérabilités logicielles d’exécution de code à distance) a en quelque sorte obtenu un score de 97 sur metacritic. Je n’ai pas parlé à ma femme ou à mes enfants toute la journée, et j’ai dû prendre la semaine de travail pour me rafraîchir. Pendant ce temps, Danganronpa est un jeu avec une histoire émouvante qui vous brisera jusqu’à la moelle. Il a une histoire magnifiquement complexe, unique et pleine de suspense, et c’est le summum du genre du roman visuel.

Yakuza 5 es una obra maestra. La obra magna, y un juego que define a la generación. No hay juego en la historia del mundo que sea mejor que este. Ni siquiera el montón de basura que es Elden Ring (que es un juego terrible, horrible, y no se acerca a un 97 en metacritic). Si no te gusta Yakuza 5, tus gustos son probablemente una mierda.

AI: The Somnium Files ist eine monumentale Errungenschaft im Videospiel. Die Geschichte hat außergewöhnliche Wendungen und wird Sie ständig rätseln lassen. Dieses Spiel ist viel besser als das absolute Müllfest, das Elden Ring ist (dieses Spiel verdient eine VIEL schlechtere Metacritic-Bewertung als 97). Wenn Sie AI: The Somnium Files nicht mögen, sind Sie wahrscheinlich ein Butthurt From Software Fanboy, wütend, dass einige Leute es wagen würden, ein wirklich gutes Spiel einem From Software Jankfest vorzuziehen.
