Good installment of Diablo series. Gameplay is fast and fun. Plot is intriguing but not fully satisfying because many questions left unspoken. I hope addons will bring some clarity to the story. And here's one good advice: do sidequests after the main story, because overwise you'll become too overpowered so the game will be boring and because you will resive more usefull rewards for sidequests if you'll do them in harder difficulties which opens only after beating final boss

If you've played the first game, you know what to expect. If you haven't than you definitely should complete previous one before starting part two

If only devs would have add a new secret ending. I was hoping for that

It's interesting development of interactive movies genre. Upgrading skills and disciplines and using all it to get through the story is cool, but when the game through a dice in dialogs to deside who will win it's almost unbearable temptation to accept bad result, when you easily can load game and try again. So, maybe it's not the best mechanic.
If you familliar with "World of Darkness" it will be quite pleasant journey. There are lots of lore knowledges and familiar moments here for the fans. But if you new to this universe, maybe you should first try Bloodlines and Redemption (if you don't afraid outdated graphics ofcourse)

I think it's kinda unique in its mechanics videogame. With your body you represent ancient spirit, collect resourses and make mixtures to help little moth to journey through the world. And at the same time you control this moth with analog stick, make attacks and evades with controller buttons. With your mixtures you modify the surrondings and also affect on enemies of the moth. This videogame will chalange you with intresting platformer puzzles, giant bosses and lots of dialogs explaining lore of this world

It's amazing to get such a high quality addition to the main game for free. Big respect for SCE Santa Monica Studio. Now what can I tell about Valhalla. In spite of I don't like roguelike videogames, it was really fun experience. All mechanics of this DLC works perfect. I liked development of Kratos character, and it was very pleasant to return to the world of God of War. Moreover to get so many references to the Greece saga is supercool for every long termed fan of the series

Well, it's hard to judge this game because of the lack of active gameplay itself. Basically all you have to do is either to walk and read notes or to run away from the single and only monster. So the game is not like the previous ones in the series. The story folds step by step and has few interesting moments. Though we're not even in Silent Hill, the plot is quite SilentHillish, I'd say. Ending song is cool. Akira Yamaoka did his best as always

I wish the game has more innovations. It's almost previous Storm game with minimum new characters, and surprisingly decent original story much like Naruto/Boruto movies

Remake is modern and respectful to the old games. It feels as good as I remember from my childhood

One of the most sophisticated indie games I've ever played. It always tries to surprise you with something new and unexpected, and it has a quite curious story on the background. It was very fun and interesting experience

That was kinda unique and interesting game sessions with full body stretch when you're trying to avoid bullets while eliminating everyone in your room

It was quite interesting journey through hundreds of collectible notes in search of the meaning of events of this game. Waiting for a sequel now

It seems Jedi Academy will never get old. At 2023 still as fun as I remember from my childhood

Nice graphic for a free game. That was quite fun experience