Super fun and charming roguelike with a ton of content and pretty artwork. The game also happens to feature the hottest character in media: Jeff.

Why is everything about this game so good. It ain't perfect but you could feel the love that went into every part of the game, from the locations, to the enemies, to the characters, to the music (the soundtrack alone made this game a goty contender for me). Just a fun game made by people who cared about they were doing.

This game is not for everyone. For fans of the first, it's a completely separate beast, keeping only the difficulty and the art style. However, to me, this game has too much going for it to make me want to rage quit. While there are some aspects done better in the first game, the combat has much more to do. New ways to play with heroes like the paths and the affinity system make it much more interesting and engaging. The music, just like the first, is top notch, and a lot of the tracks are even better than ones in the first. The biggest drawback to many people is the apparent difficulty, with how some situations feel absolutely unbeatable, and the complete shift into a roguelike (along with features gone from the first game like the town management and permanently losing heroes forever). I've never had a problem with a lot of these complaints though, and to me, this game is everything I loved about the first game but better.

Super interesting game with fun ideas, but ultimately needs to be refined some more. Rough around the edges but still a good time.

More of what made poker night 1 so good. Fun Dialogue, fun characters, plus more stuff to unlock. Basically, gambling but the goal is to have fun.

Unique, Charming, and hilarious. Gameplay is regular poker but made 10x better by the strangest character lineup I've ever seen.